Reviews for At One Time
Xavian chapter 7 . 11/4/2016
I really like this story. Can you finish it?
poweroflove chapter 7 . 4/19/2009
UPDATE! this story was really good want to keep reading it
bookworm chapter 7 . 6/7/2008
you should update this. i keep rereading this story in hopes you'll update the story so please update. don't leave me in suspense
Carina chapter 1 . 4/29/2008
O any chance of continuing this? I hope so!
Anonymous chapter 7 . 2/20/2008
Okay, I would seriously love you if you updated this story. It's been so long since you updated anything and this is really one of your best stories. It's hard to find stories which focus on Asian characters and you tend to use Asian character in most, if not all you stories. So please please please finish this story!
cherrypiesizzle chapter 7 . 5/5/2007
-raises eyebrows- so, when are you going to UPDATE this?
Happy4 chapter 7 . 8/17/2006
Hey where are you? I've been waiting for an update since forever. You just can't leave me hanging! Please update this wonderful story soon!
C. Aleshi chapter 7 . 4/27/2006
Ah... so Tim's cousin wants to play matchmaking... and CJ's mother wants to get another divorce..So the story plot thickens, and more trouble issues...I' ve been addicted to all your stories.. and I cant wait till Chapter 8 comes! *hint: UPDATE SOON!*
cherrypiesizzle chapter 4 . 4/19/2006
You're a good author...I just don't like how you always make the guy do so much work and the girl doesn't do anything. Sure, she may love him, but she doesn't do anything. *sigh* I don't think that's how a relationship should work, no offense. Don't worry, I'm not really's just an aspect of your writing that I don't really like. Don't be down at this, it's just a suggestion.
mg chapter 7 . 3/26/2006
good story so far ] i only realized that alex is the alex from your other story when darilyn was mentioned ]
Leila Winters chapter 7 . 2/5/2006
I've decided that I like Alex. He knows how to nudge people in the right direction and doesn't care what they think of him for it. Hee hee, he gets to fall in love, too right? XD*Haha, is the separation going to go public?*Okay. I'm done being hyper. But this is a fun story to read. :) I'm glad you're still writing. (But you know there's another story I want you to write for...which I only mention every time I talk to you...XD)*Bye byes. Keep it up.
Leila Winters chapter 6 . 2/5/2006
Yummy yummy yummy dress whites. :) I like them together. They are too cute.*(And nothing like a good ol' cousin to make you jealous XD)*Anyway, running off to the next chapter because I'm behind!
BubblesKickAss chapter 7 . 2/4/2006
Good story! Update soon!
Alison Ashley chapter 7 . 2/3/2006
Finally, there's an update. :) PLEASE continue to write more SOON,

Emilea chapter 7 . 2/3/2006
I LIKE! i hope you are a frequent updater! adding you to myfaves. ie cried alredi!
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