Reviews for THE GENIE
BardofArcadia chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
I like this. In fact, I like it so much that I am going to review it until you update, or at leat state when you'll update.
BardofArcadia chapter 2 . 11/2/2006
U are aparently answering a lot of questions about the Jinn Foalk. How do they get in their bottles? What are they doing here? Do they have free will? Ect. I like it. Just one question... Could you explain what it is like to be in the inside of a Jinn Bottle? Maby Kyle goes in with Her. Feel free to read my story "Other World." I do a sort of si-fi look at magic.
animegurlzrule chapter 2 . 1/30/2006
This is good! update soon!
Mage Dudette chapter 2 . 9/8/2005
LOL! still smiling! _ heh. kyle got his work cut out then? woo! fun fun fun! hope u update soon! i still think this rocks!
Mage Dudette chapter 1 . 7/11/2005
wow! cool! lol, kyle makes me laff, n he's soo luvable! oo, update pls! i like this a lot! D