Reviews for Rape
Allistare chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
The poem is well written and you're right it can happen to anyone. Good work it has a nice flow to it.
unspecified chapter 1 . 7/13/2006
i've been there, and i've been trying to write about it, but i can't.. thanks for the encouragement

keep writing
hasseena chapter 1 . 4/25/2006
That was excellent in a dark sort of way. You really got me in the emotion. Keep it up.
Idiot Pilot chapter 1 . 1/3/2006
The last three lines were the most powerful. It was a piece that sent goosebumps on my legs, especially knowing that it was a true story.
les petits bateaux chapter 1 . 12/25/2005
Rape is a sad and horrifying thing indeed. The way you described how reluctant she was and how much she wanted to let herself go from the man was very heart-wrenching. Good job expressing the matter.

djsaxon2 chapter 1 . 10/12/2005
I was going to leave less than flattering comments on one of your recent works, but decided i should get a better feel for your work first. Considering how incredibly powerful this is, i don't think i'll bother criticising what is obviously not your best. This is amazing. Good work, and well done one expressing yourself in such an eloquant and simple way. I won't pity you and tell you i'm sorry for what happened to you, but i will tell you you show amazing strength after it.

Sax.[reviews are appreciated]
Vague Lenore chapter 1 . 10/1/2005
Wow, I'm so sorry. There's nothing else to say.
DarkFairie.RogueSpirit chapter 1 . 9/24/2005
And he kneed him in the ball.I'm not sure what you mean there but this was written vivedly. Did it realy happen to you? I can't tell you why but I feel comfored after reading it.
InvictusFides4 chapter 1 . 9/1/2005
I just read your poem it was really deep. You are a very brave person Im sorry, but hold on and keep venting your anger through writing.
Parfume chapter 1 . 7/28/2005
Wow, this was very emotional. I'm glad you put your poem up, so many people will understand how much raping will scar someone. I give you props for putting this up!
Slugabed chapter 1 . 7/26/2005
It's sick. Absolutely revolting. I don't know why you'd have it here. Attention, perhaps? I don't know. It's written well, though you have a few errors. Ugh. I can't believe it.
AubriannaKnight chapter 1 . 7/23/2005
awe, that's very sad that happened. i admire you for having the courage to write about it and post it on the site. it's a very powerful poem with a lesson in it to be learned. gr i wish i could give that guy a few swift kicks to the balls and make him non functional
StoryJunkie chapter 1 . 7/18/2005
And the lesson is: always go to the bar with your GIRL friend, and leave stray dogs outside.
Rachael chapter 1 . 7/18/2005
This is a subject that had sometimes come very close to home, it has never happened to me, but I've seen it happen to friends. I admire you a lot for being able to write and post this, it shows a lot of strength I wish my friends had had. Thanks for posting this was a really wonderful peice of work, and written beautifull despite the content.~Rach
Enigmatic Huntress chapter 1 . 7/17/2005
It was really brave of you to post this on here and I fully admire you for it. I wouldn't have the guts or strength to write this if I was in your situation so does not have any right to kick you off for writing this. This was very emotional, powerful stuff. Really well written. Luv Kaitx
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