Reviews for Playing House
Chelsea chapter 21 . 5/26/2017
Well ita been a few years since the last update, and who knows if you'll get my review, but i love what you have written so far and hopefully you decide to come back and update!
heal me forever chapter 21 . 1/17/2015
what I don't understand in this story and breathing life into a statue is that you give a side Girlfriend type to the main lead and no-one like that for the main Heroine. And you kind make the Heroine look despo and Hero as standoff. In BLIAS the ending seems to be rushed. she accepts him way too easily while he keeps judging her and not trusting her yet she accepts his apology way too soon.
I adore these stories but find these few tid-bits annoying and irritating.
ali3ice chapter 21 . 8/12/2013
This is the bazillionth time I've read and reread this. Just wanted to let you know that you have tons of people camping at their screens hoping this would be updated someday, anyway:) But if it never gets updated, I'll cry a little (ALOT!) and read it again to fall in love all over again with the characters you have painstakingly crafted. Thank you thank you thank you! For giving me (and the other readers) such joy through this wonkerful (wonkywonferful?) journey! I love now and forever will, your stories!

Hopefully this note reaches you wherever you are! A little appreciation for the tons you've contributed to pleasure of us cranky audiences!
Minkaos chapter 21 . 4/12/2013
Really enjoying the story so far! I like how their relationship is developing :)
foreternity chapter 21 . 2/23/2013
:( i guess its kinda sad to say this..but...i dont think you'll be updating any time soon? :( please please please do! or at least wrap it up as soon as you can :s im sure we all want to know what happens to them in the end...does stacey mess it up for them (I THINK SOOOO D:) andddd do they have that "happy ending"? :) please update as soon as you cannn pleaseeeeeeeee (: love this story soo much, it's amazing (:
somefan chapter 21 . 2/10/2013
When are you going to finish this? :)
karo chapter 21 . 1/24/2013
LOVE your story! Please update!
brinalovesyouxx chapter 21 . 12/4/2012
Very interesting story :) and funny and cute. Please update :3
Valschanya chapter 17 . 8/14/2012
MUAHAAHAHAAHHA I'm so giddy right now I alkfhasafkjaehra my family is giving me weird looks but I dont regret anything! Another thing I also have no regret over is the fact that I'm spamming you with my consequent reviews!
Valschanya chapter 16 . 8/14/2012
What? WHAT? No thank you kiss? No im-so-overcome-with-emotions-lets-make-out scene? You meanie you
Valschanya chapter 9 . 8/13/2012
You probably wont read this, but has anyone ever told you that you are one amazing hunan being?! I love angst, I love attitude, I love wit, I love sappy cliches, I love great writing, I love Nicki and Sinjun(rad name!) and I love this story!
Guest chapter 21 . 7/4/2012
Please update! I really really REALLY wanna see Sinjun and Nicki together til the end! I'll wait forever for you to update!
anyaali35 chapter 21 . 1/7/2012
this story rocks so far. i really think you should complete it because i cant wait to read the rest. update soon!
karo chapter 21 . 12/22/2011
Just wanted to let you know that I love this story and am still checking in to see if you have updated! Please update!
Karo chapter 21 . 5/26/2011
I love you stories Please update!
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