Reviews for Interpreting You
Bubbly Girl chapter 9 . 11/11/2012
I love this story! I wish that you would update it although that seems kind of impossible considering you haven't updated in 6 years. :)
Peace, Love and Happiness! :)
Bubbly Girl
atomic-pocket-watch chapter 9 . 6/9/2012
You, madame, are one of the most interesting writers on fictionpress :D while 'My life in one sentence' is what originally drew me to your other stories and it is rather entertaining and brilliant, it's not your best. I particularly liked 'An existentialist's breakfast' just because you somehow made someone like Sophia, who is somewhat unbelievable in her extreme quirkiness, seem more real than myself. This story is, also, another such achievement. Wednesday is by far one of the coolest people I've ever imagined, and I know that it's unlikely that you'll ever update this story again, but I think there are lots of people (myself included) who's day would be greatly improved if you did. Thank you for sharing your wonderfully addictive writing with me :D
PicturePurrfect chapter 9 . 4/8/2009
I really like this story and i also really like Wednesday's character. She's cool and funny and also a bit weird. The way she gives people nicknames is funny. I also like the other characters in this story, even Mrs. DeWinters. I like how she a nosy parker. Its really funny reading about her. I like this story. I just hope you update.
Dillusional chapter 1 . 1/29/2009
I'm starting to feel like I'm bothering you now. ) I've been reading my way down your list of stories for the past week or so when I've had the time and I've just loved them all.

Wednesday is a lovely character. I find myself a little envious of her lifestyle. Ok, a lot envious. I'd love to have the courage to up and leave and travel somewhere new every few months. As it is, I almost had a breakdown when I had to move away for Uni a few months ago. P Fiona also amuses me greatly, and Mrs. Dewinters both horrifies and entertains me at the same time.

I've been reading back through your reviews and saw that some people don't seem to appreciate long chapters. I personally love them longer, because there's more to read and you can really get into the story without feeling like it's over too soon.

I know it's been a very long time since you updated this story, years even, but I really hope you have plans to continue it. I'd love to know what happens to Wednesday and Tavis, and the rest of these ridiculously lifelike characters. I can't offer you anything to continue (unless you like virtual cookies P) but it'd certainly make my day if you did.
greyes chapter 1 . 11/29/2008
I really like this so far, though I'm disappointed that you haven't updated for so long. Hopefully you can become excited about this would be wonderful if you would write a new chapter. Ah, anyways I'm just being another greedy reader. Keep up with the lovely writing!

ms. thorek chapter 9 . 5/11/2008
do you have plans of finishing this story? it's been almost 2 years since your last update. i hope you'll finish this story

though the chapters are too long i still loved reading it. you have a way with words that allows the reader to feel as if they are part of the story.

i've always hated the feeling of not being able to finish reading a story. it's frustrating not knowing what's gonna happen next. i mean i could dream of scenarios that might happen next but it's not going to mean a thing because the story is not mine to tell it is yours. so please share the rest of it with us.
lizzabee7919 chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
Why did you stop this story? I love all of it! I really wish you would finish it!
Lady Katreina chapter 9 . 11/30/2007
Ah! What a wonderful story! (I'm sorry I didn't review all the other chapters. I was distracted... by... the other chapters...)

Thank you for concocting it! (Wednesday totally rocks.)
Lady Katreina chapter 1 . 11/29/2007
Oh my gosh! It's Brayden! (Thank you for making this story!)

I love the name Wednesday and Wednesday's pretty awesome.
Barukisu chapter 9 . 9/3/2007
Are you gonna make me wait any longer to write the next chap? I'm still sitting in the same position in front of my comp since last July, with, by the way, the same frowning expression. I think it'll be permanent if you gonna make me wait any longer. So, please, write! I'm dying to find out what'll happen to Wednesday with the eye-talian family. lol!
eversogently chapter 1 . 12/7/2006
i have many chapters to go, but i just couldn't go on without leaving a comment. i'm a terrible reviewer, mostly in that i hardly ever leave anything of substance, but i just recently finished "my life in one sentence" and i love that you wrote brayden and matt into this story. it was a nice touch.

i'll write something more fulfilling when i finish. so far, great work.
leemya chapter 9 . 8/25/2006

Love your story! but what is her real age? I'm seeing 19 and 21.

Other than that, please continue to write!
Forget-The-Sorrow chapter 9 . 8/20/2006
Great story so far! Please update soon as possible.
BlackBirdDaeth chapter 9 . 7/28/2006
mm. I like it.
tashd chapter 9 . 7/22/2006
hey, great chapter! plez update soon!
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