Reviews for I'd Rather Not
Parfume chapter 2 . 7/26/2005
This is certainly a unique story! I liked it. )
Ami Kitty chapter 2 . 7/26/2005
Wow o_o;

You know, Slash fics like this are very hard to come by! Keep writing, Love!
AppLEaves chapter 1 . 7/19/2005
That's so freaking cute! Total opposites that totally fit!

Ugh... I can't believe I actually said that.

But then... I still think it's cute.

Ree chapter 1 . 7/19/2005

I am a complete fool who somehow didn't discover your account until today. Let me tell you, I feel incredibly stupid. This is some high qualitiy stuff here, and I can't believe I've been missing out. Where have you been hiding?

I love your characters. In such a short space, you give them background and depth. They're so endearing, and it's only the first chapter! And the plot is original and interesting - I mean, yeah, it's got things you've seen before (and honestly, what slash fic doesn't?), but you present them all DIFFERENTLY. I mean... Dammit, I wish I could express myself better in reviews.

What I'm trying to say is... This is a very unique, well-done story, and I'd love to see more of it as soon as you can. :D I'm glad I found you.
Jeoal chapter 1 . 7/18/2005
The first thing that caught my attention about this story is the way you’ve started it. Most times, the relationship has not yet started [at the opening] and the author spends chapters trying to set it up – all the pining and flirting and awkwardness – and then finally shoves their characters together, only for something bad to happen [or what have you]. You skipped over all that and threw the reader right into the middle of it; there’s already an established relationship. It was very refreshing to read. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it done like that. It was an awesome move on your part. I’m definitely hooked.

I’m very interested to see where Henry and Isaac go from here because it’s only the first chapter and anything could happen. I like that they are both sort of opposites in their objectives [Henry strives to be athletic and Isaac to be artistic], and yet they seem to have a strong bond between them. Their little scheme to fool Isaac’s father was great, too. And the clear influence of his father over him [and Henry] really adds to the narrative. All of the Capitalization does an especially good job of reminding us just how much both boys are wary of him and how they want to keep him from getting a whiff of anything that he might find suspicious. He seems like he could become [one of] the antagonist[s] of the story, but I’m not sure at this point. Like I said, I’m thinking anything could happen.

This is –very- well-written and intriguing so far. I hope to see an update soon. :-) [And I’m hoping that this review didn’t bore you completely to death].
Rinfirithiel chapter 1 . 7/18/2005
great start! i look forward to reading more!
vintage-thought-processes chapter 1 . 7/18/2005
Oh come on! I want to read more! Please? That was so awful of you! To leave me like that! ((scowls)) That was such a good story but...I need more!

((pout)) It was really good. I read the summary and giggled because I was so excited and then I read it and it was SO good! was too short. I mean, for a one shot it was a good length but that's just it! I don't want it to be a one shot!

So, well, you said it just stays short for now so I hope you continue later. Soon. Please?
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