Reviews for Iris
XxDragon Princess NikkixX chapter 3 . 12/16/2005
Ah! I'm here! I'm back! *hugz* I missed 2 updates *gasp*. And they were great! I love this so far..such a great start you have going here *huge smiles* I hope for more soon! And even if it takes me awhile, I'll be here to review *muahahaha* I love you! Thank you so much for all your support!
Kissless Goodbye chapter 3 . 8/12/2005
Love it! I didn't realise you had posted more stuff on here.. ur story is good. I love it when authors have their characters thinking. And arguing with their thoughts, lol, love it! You write longer chapters than me - must copy!

*sits in corner with notepad*
bulletproof.cupid chapter 3 . 8/10/2005

I thought you might come here to… gee, I don’t know…PICK ON ME IN A MOMENT OF WEAKNESS?- Thou art evil, sickening brother of Josie...! But hey, I still loves Jared!

I – It’s… it’s talking again. Just ignore it, Jared ((SHOULD BE JOSIE!)) . Just ignore it.

Don’t ignore me!

Justignoreit Justignoreit Justignoreit Justignore—

I’m your mind, fool! You can’t ignore me!

Ignore me and you’re lost!- LMAO I just had to laugh out loud here. What is it with authors and making their minds talk back to 'em. Awesome and completely hilarious!


Spritzy was thanked... well, not properly, but yeah... his name went noticed. Right, I gots to go. Awesome work here... have loads more to read seeing as I couldn't come on FP in a week. Oh God, a week ;o) I know I'm exxaguarating, but how gives a damn. Right, take care hun *waves*

babypig aka sunshine in a cage chapter 3 . 8/9/2005
yay! an update! this chapter kinda felt pointless. he was just rambling over the fact that he should do something but he didnt really get the plan till the last 2 sentences. the rambling was etertaining but just make sure you dont overdo it. im srry if it sounds like im being mean im trying to help, honestlynewaysi want to see what his plan is so update!
underage me chapter 3 . 8/8/2005
i think you made a mistake, like around the last few paragraphs you wrote joseph said, isnt it jared said? well i dunno... i have yet to listen to that song... and i hope you have a good plan for us in store... ciao for now...
underage me chapter 2 . 8/8/2005
well i havent heard the song but i will eventually, probably in like two weeks it always takes me that long to do things. well this was cuter than before he confessed, wow this iris chik seems kinda shady... ciao for now...
underage me chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
Aw! this sounds like such a cute story, the guy Jared seems nice and hot, and its so cute how realizes hes in love... ive never heard of the Goo Goo Dolls, or that song Iris, ill have to listen to that what kind of music is it? well... ciao for now...
TaurusGirl7 chapter 3 . 8/6/2005
um... your 3rd chapter is the same as the first one :S i dont know if its supposed to be that way or what.. just thought i should tell you.
babypig chapter 2 . 8/5/2005
joseph is soo smitten! its adorable! actually jared seems like hes more in love with the idea that his brother IS in love than other than shes mysterious, she crys, shes seems very lonely even when shes with friends, we really dont know much about iris. well, we do but...oh forget it i cant put it in wordsjust keep updating!
exquisite extreme chapter 2 . 8/4/2005
LOL! I LOVE Jared's character! He's SO funny. And Joseph? HAHA.

"Yeah.""Dude.""Yeah.""You're in love with a girl who doesn't know you exist?""Yeah.""Dude.""Yeah."

Hahahaha! I loved that! If you haven't noticed, the most retarded and repetitive things amuse me. I don't know why... what's wrong with me! ;) Hehe.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this chapter! Please update soon! :)

exquisite extreme
bulletproof.cupid chapter 2 . 8/2/2005
hehe awesome chapter! i love jared... and josie's mind. just so amusing hmm P lmao jared gay... i mean, i'm seriously suspecting that now. aww but i loves him already!

lmao your favourite friend. i feel honoured... absolutely dumbfounded slash honoured kinda feeling i have going here. i have a knife here... sharp and SHINY! i love shiny stuff... look at it glint o.o right, i'll stop. but if you don't update in the next... shall we say week, i shall have your head rolling on the floor. i'm being generous... i was about to say 1 day. so hmph!

hmm i gots to go now. take care and sorry for the random babbling here. even if it was complete nonsense, i hope it made you smile ;o) just one more think... wat kinda of a male nik name is spritzy? sorry *blushes* l8er...

XxDragon Princess NikkixX chapter 1 . 7/29/2005
Aw! I love this beginning. This story has a lot of potential and I know you are going to do an awesome job. Keep up the great work!
exquisite extreme too lazy to login chapter 1 . 7/28/2005
Wow, I gotta say, I absolutely LOVE the song 'Iris' by the GooGoo Dolls! So GOOD choice! :)

And as far as the story goes, I'm really liking it so far! So update soon, please? )

~exquisite extreme
babypig chapter 1 . 7/28/2005
aww! heh i love him!i like your story already, its good, its mysterious,its romantic,its nice. very very good start by the way. i like it! update!
bulletproof.cupid chapter 1 . 7/28/2005
Damn right, it was worth posting up. It's so freaking awesome! Why dost thou not post thine soft words before, Romeo? ;o) Messin'... I'll leave all this rubbish talk to MSN P Update soon or you will receive HELL... and I mean it. I mean, it was weird the other day. I had this sudden urge to stab everyone who crossed me... you know, buying a whole knife set and just stabbing every other person. Right, I should keep my mental thoughts to myself... guess it was just mood swings and pmsing ;o) Right, update soon missy. I sinderily hope you do for your own sake. L8er,
