Reviews for Issues, Envelopes, & Homophobes
Blue Screen of Death chapter 28 . 4/2/2006
Cheers I liked it! unique formating, adds to the story!

~Moon's Tears
Mahlise chapter 28 . 2/17/2006
omigawd, that was so frickenn awesome, the enitre fricken fic

I luved it, the whole letter thing, it was really well done, made me feel as if i was actually reading letters between real people. Tho, i have to admit, that i kinda predicted the twist, but only just before it happened, so that was awesome too... I luv you

You need to write a sequel... twould be good, I think
Mahlise chapter 1 . 2/17/2006
lol, omigawd, that was awesome... I can tell already that im gonna luv this fic... Its got such a smartass protagonist... beautiful
outruntheavalanche chapter 28 . 1/16/2006
AH! i loved it! i read the whole thing at once! my eyes are bleeding - but i loved it!

especially the note to kyle. that was freaking GENIUS.


*skips off to read the sequel*
A Rumpled Mind chapter 28 . 1/7/2006
Wow, I must say, I really enjoyed this, and if it were a book, I couldn't have put it down. I was hooked, and I read it in about 40:00 minutes. I knew it was Talon a few chapters before his charade fell apart, but I couldn't have been sure, and I had to keep reading. This was genius, pure and simple. The way all the letters and journal entries hooked themselves together was so fun. I originally found you threw your other story Falling Off a Cliff Laughing, which I LOVE (please keep updating), just haven't gotten to review yet.

Continue writing, you ruffle MY feathers.
narcissenoire chapter 28 . 12/29/2005
Aw! I loved this whole story! It's so adorable! :) Really nicely written. I'mma go read the sequel now.
Hikari chapter 28 . 12/3/2005
I absolutely loved it. It's funny, and catchy and your story was really really sweet. I loved the penpal idea. Is there going to be a sequel...? Great job~
snappy8000 chapter 28 . 11/20/2005
That was a marvellous story. I actually read the sequel first and now everything makes perfect sense I wasn't expecting Lance to be Talon! Your writing is extremely... perfect, in my opinion. Keep up that wonderful work and please update the sequel soon.-Tenshi
The Astronaut chapter 28 . 11/14/2005
This is now my favorite story on this website. It is so great. I seriously went on this enormous rollercoaster of emotions during this story: heartbroken, elated, angry, then almost weeping again.

Cheers. This was amazing!
The Astronaut chapter 7 . 11/13/2005
Very good. I have added this to my favorites list. It's a really cool idea. Original. I think I can maybe predict what'll happen, though.

But that's not nessecarily a bad thing ;)
TheRealMrsWay chapter 28 . 10/17/2005
AGGH I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. I just completely blew off my homework to read the whole entire thing. Can't wait to read the sequel...after my Spanish and English homework. ) Talon's mom would be so proud. I
D.H. L'Orange chapter 28 . 10/16/2005
hey this was great! i love they way you wrote this in letter form! very cool!

and poor 'Lance' was so sweet! And I liked their kiss.

: )

Kakiryu chapter 28 . 10/16/2005
_ YAY! I liked that. I just loved the way this was written! Format and all...Very cute. Totally going to add to favourites, Woo!

Write more, write soon, just write. Ciao.
Sally-andersonn chapter 4 . 10/14/2005
I like it how everyone seems to hate eachother.
Sally-andersonn chapter 1 . 10/14/2005
Real interesting and unique first chapter.
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