Reviews for Issues, Envelopes, & Homophobes
rivalovery chapter 28 . 10/9/2005
o_o Wow. Lots of cussing, angst, and weird love connection between the two... yet they work out so well together. XD I suspected that Lance was Talon (sort of obvious, considering this is a slash fiction! :] I'd be pretty surprised if someone didn't realize it was him before you actually bluntly wrote it down for readers to see), but I didn't think he was the one who had spreaded the rumor around about Anthony! :O Really surprised me! So I'm gonna go ahead and read this all over again, considering how everything makes sense now. :D Time to relive the cussing, angst, and weird love connections between the two. Such fun.
Sidderiffic chapter 2 . 10/5/2005
*snickers* I like so far!POOFtoodlesTJword up.
Green Eyed Pixie chapter 28 . 10/2/2005
God i just spent the last hour reading this story and you know what? IT'S SO COOL! Thank you so much for this story it was the best and i totally loved Talon and Antony, They rock so harshly. And gos that note to Kyle at the end was funny. Any who, keep up the fab stories... :D
Tenni chapter 28 . 10/2/2005
I was so giddy while reading this story. I fell in love with Anthony's character immediately. In so many ways am I like Anthony (Except I'm not gay and I'm not male. I guess we'll have our eyes on the same people). Thank you for this story. Thank you a lot. I enjoyed it so much, mainly because I spent the last 2 to 3 hours reading it.
Rinna chapter 28 . 9/28/2005
Okay, I absolutely loved this story. I love the concept you used, writing the entire story as letters, journal entries, etc; It was creative how Anthony and Lance/Talon got to know eachother through the letters. And I was definitly NOT expecting that Lance actually was Talon. That definitly took me by surprise; plot twists are fun. Their interactions with one another throughout the enitre story felt very realistic. And now that they're not fighting, they make a really cute couple. Okay, I know you started a sequel, so now I'm off to go read that...
Morbid Maxwell chapter 28 . 9/19/2005
XD LOVED IT! Oh, this has just been the greatest...suddenly I think the other story is going to make a whole lot more sense...great job Love! Loved this, loved them all!

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.

P.S: ...I don't mean that. It's just my quote...for now. XD Sorry for any confusion.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 27 . 9/19/2005
Ah...that was cute...well, sorta weird, but cute! Especially when he's talking about the two meeting...personally loved the whole chapter.

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 26 . 9/19/2005

...sorry, couldn't help myself. XD

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 25 . 9/19/2005
OH! *Cuddles her Talon plush* Don't be sad! That makes me sad and then I know that he's sad and Anthony is sad and that's sad!

This whole damn review was sad..and stupid.

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 24 . 9/19/2005
OH! Poor Talon! Now I feel bad! Oh damn it! There are 4 chapters left and and-NO!

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 23 . 9/19/2005 shit... Oh mother-f-cker! I've been! Oh gods...I can't...I just...AH DAMN IT! I never knew!

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 22 . 9/19/2005
...damn it, damn it, damn it, damn chapter!

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 21 . 9/19/2005
XD "Hey, you don't happen to be gay do you?" I just loved that, then... "Anthony, don't give me that look" ... XD Just bloody awesome!

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 20 . 9/19/2005
Yes you are you lying bastard! You're jealous! Just say it and I'll quit nagging about it! I swear! ...okay, I'm done for the moment.

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
Morbid Maxwell chapter 19 . 9/19/2005
Ah-hah! So this is where Talon starts! Well...this makes it all the more interesting... - yay!

Morbid Maxwell-I smell a sex scene on the horizon.
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