Reviews for Artificial Heaven
Ashlee Pond chapter 1 . 1/17/2008
Beautiful. It's kind of like she's debating with herself when she speaks in brackets. This has a really helpless vibe to it.. Very nice, as always.
Contender chapter 1 . 9/6/2005
I like the words in brackets, and how they kinda break in. Short lines, but very strong, and important to the poem. It's pretty good for something intended to butcher writer's block. And I like how you conveyed the hopelessness. Keep writing. ~
like a lover chapter 1 . 8/21/2005
"Look up at them/(want me)/with your lustful/(touch me)stare coal black./(fuck me)/Hands on skin, begging/(I’ve got nothing else)"

I love love those words. I love how the words in brackets seem to almost interrupt (maybe that's a bad word choice..) the lines above them, like it's a little voice snapping. perhaps that's just the way I read it? either way, dazzling effect.
Eric chapter 1 . 8/17/2005
amanda.h chapter 1 . 8/4/2005
All of your poetry and fiction is so unique and...touching in a way, I guess. Never stop writing :)- Amanda
Chandra-Moon chapter 1 . 8/2/2005
I love this, it was extremely well done; the images, the , keep writing.