Reviews for So I was Hit by a Car the Other Day |
DayWrecker chapter 61 . 2/8/2024 Hilarious! |
Guest chapter 61 . 12/11/2018 Since you have read this, you will be told good news tonight. If you don't repost this,your worst week starts now |
PringlesOnMyTea chapter 61 . 5/28/2018 Wow this was quite the journey, an entertaining one too. Story was great and the comedy was anazing; mad props to the author. |
matin.t chapter 61 . 1/12/2018 sooo i just wanted to say this: 700TH REVIEW BITCHES . oh and also nice story . |
MayKing chapter 1 . 11/6/2017 nice piece! |
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 3/9/2017 Dear Lainiee: Tiny thing, but - would you really call that summary K-rated? Sincerely, Qoheleth |
TheKZDC chapter 60 . 8/15/2016 Welp, sorry, accidentally hit the button too early. But this is honestly a really good story, and I wouldn't mind buying a copy for 10 dollars. This is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. |
TheKZDC chapter 61 . 8/15/2016 This is actually |
Guest chapter 61 . 4/8/2016 Excellent job. Thanks for sharing :) |
Guest chapter 52 . 4/8/2016 Confused/awkward thoughts relatable |
Guest chapter 12 . 4/4/2016 Love this chapter |
Guest chapter 10 . 4/4/2016 Holy shit, that was cruel |
burningice53 chapter 61 . 7/17/2015 I actually finished this earlier but didn't review because I went to meet up with a friend, but still felt like I should review because apparently its a pet peeve of yours and I'm a self entitled Pleasure Whore/Attention Whore. Which essentially means not only do I wish to please people but I also want attention. Anyways, I genuinely did enjoy your story from the beginning to the end. I enjoyed Lucky because he was a jackass and I rooted for Lucky and Cricket to get together but found that your version of the ending was still strangely pleasing. And considering I'm a half way closet romantic that's saying something. For some reason I started wanting Wendy and Lucky together towards the end. I enjoyed Tiff because I actually have a friend named Tiffany who we tend to call Tiff and the two are practically opposites. Tiff would be more like Tomo really. Just.. tamer. And not slutty. And geekier as well. But hey, I never said they were twins. Anyways, I enjoyed essentially all of your characters (yes even Cole, even though I was half hoping Lucky would nail from behind with a two by four), enjoyed how you showed us what a real club is like (not gonna lie, I've never been to a club. *gasp* A healthy 16 year old boy doesn't do drugs and sneak out night and go clubbing!? Yeah. I suck at socializing. I'm not a jackass like Lucky, but I kind of am an asshole. Thankfully, me and Lucky have roughly the same socialization skills but mines are a cut above. Barely. Anyways, is it bad that your story made me want to get smashed? Like now I'm filled with this urge to see if I have a good natural alcohol tolerance, and what kind of drunk I am. If I get a raging hangover, even if I don't remember why I did it, or even of ots years from now. Just know, that subconsciously I will blame you. Somehow. Anyways, what did ever happen to Lucky's virginity? I mean he hasn't even gotten to to cop a feel yet. Is he going to be a Wizard?! Wait. I don't think Linx (was that his name? I forget) and Jin or whatever, would get him laid before he could. Anyways, whatever did happen to like Wendy and the others? You explained what happened to the main characters, but I kind of wanted to know what happened to them too. Oh and are you writing a sequel? Because I would read it. Mainly because I want to see (read?) Lucky finally get the girl. I just like it when the underdog gets the girl. Like in Accel World. God I fucking love that anime. Never before has the nerd with acne and whatnot get the girl. Before it was always the "cute nerd". . Cute nerds can go circle jerk each other off. Yeah, you can tell I don't like them can't you? Anyways, I'm going on a tangent, so I should end this. Good story *insertothergenericcomplimentswhatareyourthreesizesblahblahblah* |
Fobbster chapter 8 . 5/21/2015 I find Lucky's attitude to work scarily similar to my own. Get over 85% and bullshit the rest. |
pacific808 chapter 1 . 4/20/2015 Well, you have my attention. I look forward to reading the rest. |