Reviews for So I was Hit by a Car the Other Day
Wolf and MR Lover chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
XD Hilarious (and awesome on the grammar). The end of this chapter reminds me of Beezlebub (it's an anime). If you watch the first episode of it you'll get what I mean.
Julietish chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When your story was featured on ADoR, a judge wrote this review for it: At 61 chapters long and with over 300,000 words, So I was Hit by a Car the Other Day is certainly not a story that can be read quickly, but don’t let the length put you off. For starters, Lucky’s rollercoaster life makes for an addictive and entertaining read. Lainee’s writing is really expresses Lucky’s thoughts well, with very few distracting grammar mistakes. We’re also given a range of amusing chapter title.

This story is character based and Lainee certainly treats us to a wide variety of vibrant and amusing characters. The main character Lucky (incredibly ironic name) is incredibly refreshing – he has a hilarious, sarcastic inner monologue and a unique outlook on life that comes from his difficult background. His bitterness and lack of drive to do much with his life is relatable and endears him to the reader more as, deep down, he shows that he really is a nice guy (especially in the case of the titular car accident).
So Sneaky chapter 61 . 8/7/2014
Its been a while since I read this and I know it's been a while since you updated this story so I'm not even sure that you'll read this - but I recently made an account and I just had to review this story.
It's seriously one of the best stories on this site, possibly even the best. The premise is so unique and I do love the plot but the reason why I was so sad when it ended was because I would never get to read about the characers and their adventures.
The character development is OUTSTANDING and I can tell you really have a 3D idea of who they are as people before you wrote them. I'll miss lucky and his friends, but I will definitely be reading this story again!
Messy Ink chapter 61 . 7/4/2014
That was long. But I'm glad I made it through! Since you had a thing for lists since like chapter one, I think I'll make one for you here!
1. I don't know if you still use Fiction Press, but, regardless, I'd like to leave this review as a token of appreciation.
2. Loved the character development. Lucky is one weirdo, but it's good to know the depths of his weirdness. I also thought you did a really good job of fleshing out Tiff and Linx (and I have to say that they turned out to be my two favorite characters). Tiff was just all around awesome, and I was really hoping that she and Linx might get together, but I guess since this is Lucky's world, I didn't really expect them to. All the same, I'd like to think that your oneshot 'Sly Dog' is a continuation of that (even though it's probably not).
3. At parts I thought, well, that a lot of the alcohol use and cussing was a little excessive. But I also understand that it was necessary for...erm, Lucky's growth (not sure that's the best way to word it, haha).
4. I'm secretly glad Lucky and Cricket didn't get together. Not so secretly anymore, though. Sorry, but Cricket was flaky from day one, in my opinion. Embrace your independence, Lucky!
5. Do you write anymore? I'd really like to read more about this universe (especially about Linx or Tiff).
6. You really threw us some curve balls there. I feel like I should make a sub-list of things I did NOT expect. Like Cole being Cricket's brother. And Tiff dating Cole. And WHY did Celeste keep popping up everywhere-she is officially the weirdest character ever, and not in a good way.
7. Overall, I liked the flow and the vocabulary and most things regarding this fic. I did find it a little hard to believe, though, that Lucky was number 21 in school rank despite his lack of...anything. Like sure, he talks about doing homework and stuff, but he spends most of his time running amok like a hooligan and somehow still gets good grades. Either his whole class is really dumb, or he's a super genius (of which I'm more inclined to believe the former).
But yeah. Hopefully you read this. At some point. And maybe someday we'll get to read more of your work!
addicted to lit chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
I've only gotten through this first chapter but I love it so far. Lucky is so great; he's witty & totally 3D. That whole part about his bank account killed me because who hasn't had those moments at least once?! Plus he's a 17 year old who helps his sister support him so it makes sense that his finances are a bit screwed up. Also his list on things that would be cool to have are all things that are totally cool to have! In high school, sophomore year especially, I wanted a soundtrack too. It's such a teenager-y thing to want; although I'm 25 now & I'd still like a soundtrack, haha. The bit between Linx & Lucky & Tiff with the racy magazines made me literally lol. So funny! I love the relationship they both have with him. I read your interview in which you were saying that this was too long & you have to cut back. I can see what you mean by that; this chapter was a bit wordy & it wasn't all that plot driven, but there's a lot of good stuff here! I can't wait to read chapter 2.
Eric chapter 61 . 1/28/2014
Dude...fucking epic! well the genre said it was tragic, but mainly its just seems like a series of unlucky shit, that happened to a guy named lucky, Still fucking epic though
Lolitroy chapter 5 . 8/31/2013
Wha? You a woman? Then you have excellent skills to write as extremely unlucky run-over-by-vehicles people O_o"

I'd continue reading, but...
...stupid algebra dammit.

Well, 'til next time! It's been quite a read, so I'll be favoriting ;)
Lolitroy chapter 4 . 8/31/2013
Lucky's name soooo describes his everyday life.
Lolitroy chapter 3 . 8/31/2013
Ah, Lucky. I haven't been hit by a car, but a bicycle is sort of like that, right?

Nah, it was funny. I laughed right from the start (because it sort of reminded me of zombie invasion school-thingies). However some paragraphs are looooooong and kinda take the humor away, so...

Still awesome though (*v*)b

Great first impressions on a girl huh?
Lolitroy chapter 2 . 8/31/2013
Nah, it isn't going fast at all.
BTW I'll make you reach 675 (made the math, 700 isn't possible even if I review every chapter, so...) review just because I feel like it. Not today, because just between you and me I'm kinda supposed to be doing algorithms, but meh.

I'll do it someday ;)
Character-based story, my favorite!

Lucky is certainly DA man -w-'
Lolitroy chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
Ah, lovely introduction and character you got here :3

The cuss words are a bit distracting, but aside from that it's awesome so far :D
Cracked me up somewhere in the middle and people stared weird at me (I'm reading this while in school, so yeah).

Lucky does sound interesting so far ;)
ladylovedove chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
I was wondering, if it isn't a bother, could you please check out my story on story/7674309-high-school
Buttersmash chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
Oh my goddd Lucky sounds so awesome! I got hooked witht his already!
KateMichelle54 chapter 61 . 7/20/2013
Hahahahaha, still laughing, this story was THAT awesome.
No, but really, you said a lot that you tried to defy expectaions, well at least for me, you suceeded! I love your style just because you are a good all around writer, but the charecters were realistic, and the pacing was done very well, and despite the whole Lucky has bad luck', this wasn't even sorta a cliche'.
It's sad that cricket and Lucky didn't end up together, but that also made it more realistic.
Love the story and I'll be sure to check out your others!
La La La chapter 61 . 7/12/2013
I loved this story. It is so unique and it kills cliches and burns them to shameful ashes. I love your plot twists and characters. The irony also went noticed
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