Reviews for Want, Take, Have |
alb89 chapter 30 . 10/4/2023 Just rediscovered this story after years of trying to find it, and I loved it so hard all over again. The characters felt so vivid, and full of humour. I really wish there was a real conclusion, or that the author would come back eventually. Fingers crossed. |
SamMax chapter 30 . 6/18/2023 It’s crazy how the last comment is still mine. Came back to check if it’s possible the story has been updated, maybe re-read it… it hasn’t been updated. Guess I’ll see y’all in a couple years |
SamMax chapter 29 . 4/25/2021 I still can’t believe the story has not been completed. I come back every few years to come back and check up on it or re-read. It breaks my heart every time. I really hope the author would remember this story and come back. Cause that would be one of the greatest things ever. |
Laurell chapter 30 . 8/27/2020 Breaks my heart that this still hasn’t been completed. I come back every few years, since 2011 to check up on it. Still one of the best stories I’ve ever read. |
shriya.saha50 chapter 1 . 7/22/2017 Great story Would really love it if you continued |
Blessed chapter 28 . 7/15/2017 I can't believe this is it |
Beatrice642 chapter 30 . 7/7/2017 This is a great story, each chapter better than the last. It's really amazing how it was written in 2009 but still reflects in our lives in 2017. I'm disappointed that it was last updated in 2009 though |
tlotliso lovergirl chapter 30 . 12/28/2016 this is a very nice novel and i wud appreciate it a lot if u were 2 continue this story. |
Guest chapter 30 . 8/7/2016 This is so so so |
antiparnassian chapter 30 . 5/9/2016 NNNOOOOOO! You ABSOLUTLEY-and I mean absolutely- CANNOT end the story here! |
Aibileen Finch chapter 3 . 11/29/2015 This is really good! |
I Tonks I chapter 30 . 7/13/2014 I was scrolling through thousands of fanfics until I came upon this one- I was fairly amazed by the fact that the writing was great,and fell in love with Sam,as I,too,am a Buffy freak.I loved all the quirky lines,as well as finding Buffy jokes everywhere.I hope you continue this soon,because I damn well will be waiting to read it. |
Guest chapter 30 . 5/25/2014 NOOO YOU LEFT IT ON A CLIFFIE! How could you ? No I'm joking this is the best fiction press story I have EVER read and if really really possible could you please update? Thanks TheDemonsInsideOfUs I couldn't be bothered to log in |