Reviews for Warrior For Love
breakthehabit chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Aww cutes.
Miss Luna chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
this was incrediably beautiful and inspiring. I am bisexual and I dont feel anyone should be discriminated against, no matter if they are homosexual heterosexual bisexual asexual or the ones where youre attracted to animals/objects. I am a supporter of LOVE. That is never wrong. Abuse is wrong, rape is wrong, murder is wrong but not love. People need to realize that christianity isnt the only religion & even though some people think "god" hates gays doesnt mean you should have any say in their lives. What does it matter to you who someone ELSE falls in love with? NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE THE SAME. I personally love living in a world with so many different people. So keep writing and keep fighting
Andromz chapter 1 . 12/1/2007
I loved it hunny. *Huggles* Much love! Write on.
write25 chapter 1 . 11/26/2006
PHENOMENAL! Really, that was one of the most imspired thing's i've ever read. If theres space, this is going on my favorites. wonderfully done and wonderfull message. ~Mariah
The Ethereal Lifelust chapter 1 . 8/17/2005
Just wanted to respond to my first couple reviewers.

To Roth, yes I do support gay men as well as lesbian women, sorry I didn't manage to make that clear. My bad. As far as what needs to be done in the way of gay rights, I say that until a gay couple can walk down a street in the Bible Belt holding hands and never once fear for their safety, there is a need to fight for gay rights. And my boots will do plenty for gay rights the next time someone tries to beat up my friend for kissing his boyfriend in public.

To velvet, thanks for the point about categorization. Much appreciated, and I've moved the poem. As for the kisses, I'm fully aware that that's why people sometimes think I'm a lesbian. I just don't think that kisses should have to indicate a romantic or sexual relationship, any more than hugs or hand-holding. I have an incredibly strong and intimate relationship wit my best friend, so I kiss her, regardless of how it's going to seem to others.
1941 chapter 1 . 8/13/2005
Rock on! I feel the exact same way, particularly about the steel-toed combat boots.
ozu no mahotsukai chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
it's a good poem, it really is. the problem is that this a) seems to be in the wrong category, and b) a misinterpretation of gestures.

analysis of point a: usually love poems are about romance, similar to shakespeare's sonnets. this poem belongs in politics, life, etc. it barely pertains to the idea of romance, and it is not the main theme. so you might want to move this poem where it'll be appreciated more.

analysis of point b: kisses on the lips are usually symbolic of a romantic feeling between two individuals. it's a very intimate gesture. maybe that's why people might think you're a lesbian. just a thought.

for some reason, i don't agree with this poem well. i don't know what it is. it's a good idea and message, but your execution isn't quite my style. keep writing though!

ps: usually i hate poetry. i actually kinda like this one. feel flattered.
Roth Jopalse Sammuels chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
That's great that you support people who are different, but supporting lesbians is much easier than supporting gay men.

Being a straight guy, I look at lesbians much differently than I do gay men. It may be biased or wrong, but in our world, lesbians tend to be looked upon as cooler than gay guys, even by many girls. I don't know if you simply support lesbians or gay men as well, but your poem leaves me wondering why you care so much.

What needs to be done in the way of gay rights? Slowly, they are beginning to get married all over the U.S. and certainly the television doesn't leave gay or lesbian people out of the spotlight, we got shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and lesbians are admired on basically every guy show.

Also, I don't think your steel toed combat boots will do much for gay rights, it seems it's mostly religious and moral debate among whether a state will allow gay marriage or not. But good luck I guess...