Reviews for Maybe Perfect Red
emmaliefje chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
Of. Heavy. I don't know another word. I don't know if that's how abuse victims think, but, jeez, you've got me convinced.
LovetheMadness chapter 1 . 3/30/2007
wow that was really good. i usually don't read the longer poems but i like this.
like a lover chapter 1 . 8/21/2005
I think it's great how you can write such a great piece inspired by a fanfic. I find I'm often like, inspired or moved by a particular thing that's outside of my world, but when I try to write it out, it sounds so.. wrong. I thought this was really good. it sounds like there's such a raw pain here.
Junsui Kegasu chapter 1 . 8/19/2005
Ebony-chan, I think I love you! This was so sad, I'm on the verge of tears in front of my cousin's computer, but if I cry, I can blame it on the cat, for although I love kitties, I do believe I'm allergic to them.

This kind of gave me a push for something I wanted to do for Haunted...but I'm still unsure. Prolly later on in the series, I think...

Ack, don't mind me rambling, this poem just kind of inspired me for a scene. .;; Not a happy one, but- fluffy one! . ..Kinda...I DON'T KNOW! I'll get there .; Until then, thanks for the poem, it was very sad, but I love it. It's so long, I always write long poems.
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 8/18/2005
Deep, and well-detailed, I loved it, keep up the good work.

Much love,Juliet.