Reviews for Listen To the Snow
whatdotheydream chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Wow. Now, I never got to have that experience, because it almos never snows where I come from. And when it does...It's grey, slushy, and every fifty years. Still, it's amazing, you know? When it does. It's like a whole new world just-whoosh! Haha. .
Lucas Harper chapter 1 . 11/12/2002
I've never seen falling snow, but this is pretty close I'd imagine. :)
White Wolf1 chapter 1 . 7/19/2001
I live in the South (US) and don't see much snow, but you made me realize one of the things I missed as a child. Very nice.
Aerdwynn chapter 1 . 5/3/2001
That's kinda nifty. Needs another verse, maybe, but inbetween the first 2. The last one was a good ending. I enjoyed. ;-)
Khalia chapter 1 . 4/10/2001
Wow, this is really beautiful. You've perfectly captured the feeling of falling snow.
Diviana chapter 1 . 4/7/2001
that was very nice. You are so good at these deep/symbolic things.
Lowell Boston chapter 1 . 3/13/2001
Wow, very the imagery. I think there's something about living in a snow belt climate that transforms our sense of the world. I see that in your poem. Your contrast of scale from snow flake to universe is great. Beautiful piece.
RaP4eVeR chapter 1 . 3/7/2001
i like the ending, thanks for reviewing my poem
Tenchi Masaki chapter 1 . 3/5/2001
(_) I only wish I could see snow. Kinda takes you back to the kid days. Ahh the good old days.
Britz Bitz Candy chapter 1 . 2/17/2001
- Pretty! ::loves snow:: Winter is the most beautiful time of the year! Well, actually it ties with summer, but anyway...Sorry, just a li'l Mountain Girl here who loves nature and outdoors stuff. KEEP WRITING!
Inanna chapter 1 . 2/2/2001
I like the imagery of it. Wish there was more though. The first stanza has a mystism about it. Try reenforcing it the second stanza. Let me see the belief in the child's face, and perhaps bind it to the snow and ice. A glacial faith. Solid, everlasting, and captured. The adults' faith like the melting snow, transient, delicate, etc. I do like it very much though. Coming from a place where snow was a rare decade or more event, I never knew snowflakes could crack, I just thought they fluttered and melted on the ground. No crashing, no breaking, just a slow fading into something greater than just the single snowflake.