Reviews for Fall Off a Cliff Laughing
Natasha5 chapter 17 . 12/8/2006
Awh, oh no, poor boys. :-( I'm impressed with your update, it's quicker than usual. But it's so sad!

Update soon please, I really love this story.


Natasha5. x x x
Curb Crasher chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
I wonder . . . do all humor fics have to have a depressing section? I'm not complaining (I rather liked this chapter, actually), just wondeing.
Cattails chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
NU! What are you doing, Vale? Go back to the hugging! It's good for you! Bah. Maybe someone will knock some sense into him...oh, and Leon for that matter. The pair of them are being spazzes :P
Siamh chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
Just when it was getting good... it goes bad... no! Val you idiot! My eyes were burning with unshed tears when I read this. Gods. Poor Skorpios, he must be so confused...
Angela Shinzuino chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
No! *continues on like that for several minutes* Vale needs to take a chill pill. Or a... dare I say it? A hot pill.

Okay, that was stupid.
*TWITCH*TWITCH* It better not end with them seperated! WA! NO! I WANT THEM TOGETHER DARNIT! ::sad puppy eyes:: pwease?
VioletGame chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
He left? Just like that? Poor Vale trying understand what is happening. Sometimes it hurts to lie, especially to ourselves. I have no clue why I put that in. Random thought.
Midnights Scream chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
*Sniffle* so sad. Vale just needs to give in and be happy *nods head* yep, I want so happy in this story.
Rachizzle chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
o_o Well that was odd...

I sure hope Scorpios comes back because Vale can't live without him ;_; lol.. and if he can then make him unable to. x_x kthx. lol..
Soreyn chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
iwishillwilluponyou chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
aw! no ;_;
a lonely september chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
aww... this was so sweet at first, with the little kisses and the warmth and then at the ending... oww... it just hurt. so sad.. .continue... please...
usonaki chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
No! Skorpios! don't go! aw, poor Vale.

Great chapter anyway, can't wait to see what happens next!

(still can't believe Vale let him go!)
zoule chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
This was a sad chapter. I hope you update soon so everything can be alright again :)
xXHaunted CookieXx chapter 17 . 12/7/2006
yay! updates!

my friend and i are COMPLETELY obsessed with this story. it is amazing. i'm trying to learn how to draw so i can send you some fan art, but no luck so far. D

o well.

*gives you a cookie for a good job*


aa, i can't wait to know what happens next!

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