Reviews for Fall Off a Cliff Laughing
Flaming Jello chapter 21 . 4/22/2008
WOW! I loved this story! I was so not expecting Leon to just accept it. But hey, thats why you're writing this and not me! XP Well wow. I wonder how many times I could say that I loved this story! So amazing. Well im off to read more of yours. LOVE!
The-Account chapter 21 . 4/20/2008
I love this story. Are you done writing or will there be more?

Aristos is hot, and so is Skorpios and so is... (drones on)

Well, thanks for writing this story. It's wonderful and made my otherwise crappy day.
XxAmericanxBeautyxX chapter 21 . 4/12/2008
Nice story. It was really cute. I did feel really bad when Vale was stuck with having wings attached to his back. That must really suck. Anyway, liked it and it's now going on to my favorites.
Lovedward48 chapter 21 . 3/26/2008
Muahahahahahahaha! I love it! At first I thought it sucked but you proved my otherwise. I enjoyed it very much and I'm so sad it had to end. There wasn't really much action but it's still interesting/awesome. I love all your stories and this one is by no means an exception. I have no clue as to how you're able to write so amazing stories but I know that you know what you're doing and you're doing it well!

Skorpios is so cute and Vales confession was soo sweet. I like the whole Leon-Aristos-Raina thingy. It's fun. Well, all I can say is I love it and you write better than some actual authors. :)
00000000000000000000000000000 chapter 21 . 3/19/2008
this was adorable! I loved it! um, you'll probalby think i'm retirarted or smthing, but it says this is a manga fanfic right? well, I can't figure out what manga, could u tell me?

aw, i wanted to know what Aristos did to Leon _
Jishu26 chapter 1 . 2/25/2008
BWAHAHAHAHAH~! And I just read the 1st chapter...will read the next ones~...
Takiyana chapter 21 . 2/18/2008
HA! read the whole thing; loved it! Your sense of humor is incredibly interesting, i couldn't breathe halfway through the damn story! Very funny.
Nanny chapter 1 . 11/13/2007
This was so amazing! I pray you make a sequel about Aristos and Leo, because that would be so awsomely awsome! I love this story and it's sad it's ending now. Great job on it, you're my favorite!
GothBooks17 chapter 5 . 11/4/2007
Vale is so cute. Loving the story.
paputsza chapter 21 . 11/3/2007
co. i'm starting to think that reaching the climax in a good fic is comparable to any other climax... i need a life, but w/e
TheBonelessOne chapter 21 . 11/2/2007
you had me laughing since the first page, and i think that you should definietely *did i spell that right* make a sequal!

i really enjoyed it!

keep up the good work!

well, i'm off now

Toodlez and roman Noodlez~!
Enaid chapter 21 . 10/21/2007
wait... thats were it ends? yo quiero mas. well maybe u have a sequel. really like the story.)
Christina chapter 11 . 10/17/2007
Gah! I love this story with its fabtacticness and its fantabulaticness and its WOOHOO! soz, im on a high from your awesometastic story! Its so great! I love Skorpios hes hot! m Skorpios!
Lumaria Faye chapter 5 . 10/8/2007
Dude you rock!
i-see-faeries chapter 21 . 9/23/2007
LMAO! This was such an amusing read. Perfect timing too, since I've been looking for a fic for a while now and getting nothing. I read this all in a matter or hours, which isn't aht good considering the fact that i'm suppose to be doing my work. Grea job. I love it! I love Vale's personailty. And the Leo/Aristos parts were a nice touch. Much love.
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