Reviews for Love Bites
SkepticCritic chapter 18 . 10/8/2005
and so he finally admits his feelings...and the world is lifted off his shoulders...can't wait for the next chapter...
Pivoine chapter 18 . 10/8/2005
this chapter was so very sexy and I can't wait to know what will happen next...I'm feeling very sad for Jake though...since he seems to love Dan...and he's betrayed in such a way...
paledaisy78 chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
NO! your so cruel! why stop there? IT ISN"T FAIR DAMNIT! word usage, well it was a compliment so ur welcome, but all i meant was i liked some word you used in the previous chapter, thts all. UPDATE SOON DAMNIT!
Cherise chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
This chapter has hereby been dubbed "The chapter with the cliffie from hell". It this some kind of punishment for not reviewing last chapter? (By the way, thank you for your review, I'm going to edit the story, and now I know what to work on, so thanks!)I am in such a shock, because not only did they FINALLY get together, but when they did, you stopped it RIGHT BEFORE THE (2nd) MOST IMPORTANT SCENE! I just may cry because of this loss.
hooray chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
Shez chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
cool chapter, especially the bit where Rafe enjoyed watching Dan suffer outside his door. update quickly plz :)
Nolaknowsmyname chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
ooh ooh Rafe admitted he was Jealous! ooh ooh! n more steamy stuff too! eep!
alias chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
Ah no it wouldn't be right, not when Jake is at the otha end of the bus! Dan must break up with him first, its not fair on Jake! Its bad enough he's already cheated, poor Jake. :(
Zephyr Tenshi chapter 18 . 10/7/2005
0.0 This sounds like the beginning of a beautiful and sensual roll in the hay. I can't wait to read more!
Shez chapter 17 . 10/5/2005
love your storypoor Rafeupdate soon!
Kitsune Luver chapter 17 . 10/5/2005
Ouch! That has seriously got to sting that Dan won't say "I love you" back to Jake! Poor baby! I feel really bad for him. He is such a nice guy. Why is it that nice guys always finish last? I would not care at all if he were mean, but he has to be super cute and nice! Grr... Oh well. Maybe he will find someone else who loves him back. At least Dan feels guilty about it. Dan is just as sweet, if not sweeter. Aw!
SkepticCritic chapter 17 . 10/4/2005 love jake but you just really want him to get together with's so sad and dan's so sweet and i don't think he's going to be able to break it off with jake, he's just too nice to do it...
paledaisy78 chapter 17 . 10/4/2005
DUN DUN DUN...*more dramatic music* i liked the word usage in this chapter. very nice.
sillylittle-emokid chapter 17 . 10/4/2005
THIS FUCKING ROCKSexcept i still get a little confused when you switch or don't switch piont of veiws...h well it rocks ass...haha...lots of chaotic love, Chaos
cherise chapter 17 . 10/4/2005
Oh my Gosh, I cant believe that Jake hasnt caught on yet. I wonder what he'll do if/when Rafe steals Dan away.
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