Reviews for Love Bites
angel chapter 1 . 10/3/2005
god, i love this story. I mean when are rafe and dan gonna realize there meant for each other. Update soon! I can't stand waiting, i want them to be together so bad.
Zephyr Tenshi chapter 16 . 10/3/2005
Love it! The little spat was a genius way to start the chapter. I absolutely adore the way that neither of Rafe nor Dan can come right out and say how they feel...very Emo-licious. I can't wait to read more.
SkepticCritic chapter 16 . 10/2/2005
why can't you just spit it out already rafe? haven't you admitted it to yourself by now? you love him...go be with him. come on you guys are so cute together and so meant to be together...
Cherise chapter 16 . 10/2/2005
Poor Rafe! At least Dan has a fuck-buudy he can use to forget about Rafe. Rafe has no one AND he has to listen to them do it. So sorry about the late review, love, but I have been offline for a little while now, but I made sure to look for you when I got back! *winks* I must tell you again how much I absolutely adore you AND your story, so I have a favor to ask. Because I admire you, I'd very much appreciate it if you were to review my work for me. If you dont have the time or something, then I dont mind, but if you have any spare time, please check out my work under the name, WHEN STARS CRY.
grr chapter 16 . 10/2/2005
*tear* poor dan and rafe...and poor jake, i want him out of the picture but i dont want his heart broken
paledaisy78 chapter 16 . 10/2/2005
OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GREAT SLASH! would you please stop dragging out the AGONY AND PAIN AND SUFFERING! for your characters and the reviewers thank-you very much.
Nolaknowsmyname chapter 16 . 10/2/2005
Very good chapter, hopefully Rafe comes to his senses soon or Jake's gonna win the day and Dan and Rafe's gonna be left out in the cold all alone cuz he was to stupid, or prideful, to admit he liked a dude! laterz
Kamiavee chapter 15 . 9/30/2005
suffering of love...torture of far could Rafe endure, or when did Dan break out?EAT
paledaisy78 chapter 15 . 9/30/2005
aw...i liked the descriptions. i could see it in my head and i mean tht in a good way. keep writing. ur story still has huge potential.
SkepticCritic chapter 15 . 9/30/2005
all i have to say
Zephyr Tenshi chapter 15 . 9/30/2005
What a deep and moving tale. How beautiful is the love that these two share. You have such a deep soul that comes out beautifully in your writing. Great work. Keep it up. You have such a fantastic gift that it would be a shame to let these gifts go to waste.
angel chapter 1 . 9/30/2005
i love this story and i also like how you write each chapter with a different perspective from the characters point of view. I want rafe and dan to be together soon. tell me this is so! Update soon!
Pivoine chapter 15 . 9/30/2005
this chapter was very sexy! the flash-back is well-described! good work! I wonder if Jake really loves Dan...can we have Jake's point of view? If he truly loves Dan and learns what happens between Rafe and Dan...poor Jake...
Kamiavee chapter 14 . 9/29/2005
It's an afflicting love between two cruel and one poor(Jake), I feel sorry to the guys since they've got satisfaction in torturing each others Love is bittersweet and acid...To bend a straight is difficult and suffering... TUT...
Nolaknowsmyname chapter 14 . 9/28/2005
Eep! Excellent flashback scene, very good chapter, can't wait for more, yes I am impatient. lol
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