Reviews for Aida |
Blue Eye Phantom chapter 3 . 5/24/2013 So I realize this is really late...and you probably forgot all about this story, but please update! It's a very mature, dare I say, realistic version of what would have happened between an Egyptian and Nubian! But still cuddley and romantic. :) |
i loost speeling beas chapter 3 . 4/9/2006 its good, ive also never seen the play or whatever it is, but i like it, keep going |
Longing for Llangarlia chapter 3 . 10/22/2005 i've never seen the play Aida before but i've always wanted to see it. this is a really good story so far and it would kill me if you didn't continue! plus, i wanna know what Radames looks like! UPDATE SOON! |
reneethegreattt chapter 1 . 9/8/2005 What we learned at Oberlin: you can't give sexual consent when you're drunk! (Which I already knew anyhow.) Not that that has to do with the story. Good start. I haven't heard of the story it's vaguely from or whatever, but it sounds interesting. This scene reminded me of Sarah's nano from last year. I read it! (This chapter, anyways)-Renee |
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 9/7/2005 Intense, I love it; I love the story of Aida so I'm sure that I'll love this. Keep up the good work. And update soon, I can't wait to see where you go next. Much love,Juliet. |