Reviews for Fallen from grace
pendragoness chapter 1 . 2/29/2008
:D I really like this story!

As Prince Tin Lizzy has already pointed out, you do have a few minor grammatical errors (namely: fragments, capitalization of letters or lack thereof, there's also a sopt in the beginning where I think there should've been a semicolon instead of a comma- the third paragraph of the A World Apart section, last sentence between "built on" and "this is was our mistake"(check that sentence too))

Sorry to be so nitpicky...

It also seems like the exposition of the story is a little abrupt. It's not lacking much, but a few more details about the setting and who Anne herself is might fill it out...

Other than that, it's great! Update soon (please)!

Prince Tin Lizzy chapter 1 . 5/10/2006
Your imagery associated with darkness - the way it throbs and is warm and pliable - is a captivating opening line. Though you do have grammatical errors, a good look-through of your work will straighten them out. Your choice to write in first person is perfectly suited to the character of Raven Glassfire, the story of whom I could not imagine told by any other but herself. That only leaves me to wonder...just how will she do as she says and keep the darkness under control?