Reviews for Jock Smarts
mia aurora chapter 23 . 7/21/2012
aww so simple yet for sharing the story :)
purplebutterfly2 chapter 23 . 6/10/2012
all in ll this was a very good story :) but it had 1 glitch it was a little rushed like everything was happening too fast but other than that i liked it it was a fun quick read :D
Simone Von Kugelgen chapter 23 . 4/26/2012
It needs work...

I like the idea, and I like te characters, but there is mistakes and the story just seems kind of dry, you know? You use WAY too many commas. I think that if you were to go through the story and fix the little punctuation mistakes and add more detail and meat to the story, then I think it'll be really good! Don't hate me for giving a bad review, it's just that I have OCD when it comes to that. I liked the idea though!
Simone Von Kugelgen chapter 23 . 4/26/2012
It needs work...

I like the idea, and I like te characters, but there is mistakes and the story just seems kind of dry, you know? You use WAY too many commas. I think that if you were to go through the story and fix the little punctuation mistakes and add more detail and meat to the story, then I think it'll be really good! Don't hate me for giving a bad review, it's just that I have OCD when it comes to that. I liked the idea though!
Jo Madden chapter 13 . 4/10/2012
Random: You certainly can use my comment. My friend and I used little codes like that for a lot of different countries. She was always fascinated with Australians, however. Happy Reading!

Random chapter 13 . 4/10/2012
I am an Australian and I was so amused by the marsupial comment. I have never been described like that... hmmm can I use it?
FLIPPER66 chapter 22 . 1/29/2011
twilight121 chapter 7 . 11/8/2009
Hey, I haven't read all of it, but so far, SO good! :-) I gotta go, my computer is about to die on me. Keep on writing!
mush-mush chapter 22 . 1/23/2007
i read this entire story, and you really need to update and soon.
Alenor chapter 22 . 5/15/2006
uh oh! what are those horrible girls gonna do?
Awaiting-Life's-Beginning chapter 22 . 5/10/2006
oh dear sounds like trouble to me but i wanna know what happens
dOrKy-GuRl03 chapter 22 . 5/10/2006
hey gurl..loved it..this is the end of the chapter..and no more..i wanna know what going to happens then...well anyways going to head out then...peace out gurl...bye-bye then...:D...
Alenor chapter 21 . 3/30/2006
great story so far, can't wait for the end, cya later.
queen-lala chapter 21 . 2/28/2006
aww how sweet. update soon_
dOrKy-GuRl03 chapter 21 . 2/28/2006
i just hope that amy would be okay though..anyways so loving it..can't wait the next chapter to update..anyways going to head out peace out gurl...bye-bye then...
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