Reviews for love through Eliot
she smolders chapter 1 . 1/20/2008
I read "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" for the first time just last week and was probably the only one in the class with tears in their eyes.

I can't begin to describe what I feel when I read this poem now - it just leaves me breathless and teary-eyed once more. Take care.
Anidori-Kiladra chapter 1 . 6/12/2007
Prufrock is one of my favorite poems of all time. I love how you intermingled that and Hamlet. Brilliant.

kiss-of-cuteness chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
I'm so glad I decided to jump over here from . This poem was amazing. The Shakespearean references were awesome, as well as the imagery you created with the sirens. Beautiful. I'm printing this and taping it on my desk.
Langsiell chapter 1 . 11/27/2005
i am in love with this poem. i am printing it out, now, as i type this, so that i can put in my filing cabinet in the "kick-ass poetry" file. Maybe it is because I have recently been on an Eliot/Shakespeare reading binge. maybe it is because i may or may not be in love. maybe it is just because you are a fabulous poet. any way you cut the cake- i am in love with this poem. There are so many great lines, that I cannot pick a favorite. "Until you ask 'what is it?' and I’m back in October." might be my favoite line, or perhaps it is the ending- "Suddenly I remember Michelangelo", or prehaps it is one of the other lines. Great poem. i love it, thanks for sharing it.