Reviews for Cats on Hyrdro Wires
like a lover chapter 1 . 9/21/2005
this sounds like it would make a really good song. I loved:

"Around and around, we circle it,/like animals, taunting and daring each other./I’ll bare my teeth right back at you./But then why do I have thisunnaturally electric, so/nostalgic feeling,/that I’m going to be the one to give?"

The title love, also.
Lucie-chick chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
okay, I liked the poem about AidanVery good!DECIPHER!
A Tragic Shade Of Blue chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
i love it. i love the emotions, the conflict, and the ending. i love everything about it. awesome! *favs* you're definately talented!
E. C. Doyal chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
I really enjoyed your use of the language here; your imagery and such is very non-cliche (something unusual in and of itself) and it remains interesting; even though it is "unrequited love" it feels a little different. I love the idea of the place where words are soundless. The only place where I felt your rythmn didn't work was "unable to keep myself / away"- the "away" throws the whole line. Maybe "unable to / keep myself away" instead? Just a suggestion. Great job!
Contender chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
WOW. I REALLY like this one, GS. I know what you mean... denial is great fun when someone's pushed you away. It is going on my faves. But, may I ask, why the title?