Reviews for Supernatural
Mewenn chapter 1 . 7/27/2006
I wouldn't have thought this kind of end. Really liked this one too.
Arcangel-Moon chapter 1 . 7/15/2006

This was so sadly sweet...

I don't know if this is a happy ending or not...

But I like it.



(_) p))
Lami chapter 1 . 7/9/2006
oh god i knew it was coming, and yet i've got this lump in my throat now even though the end was sort of happy:) the idea is brilliant and really well done (as are the rest of your fics that i've read) you really know how to bring your charahters and the worlds the live in to life...
Lexy-Kun chapter 1 . 6/30/2006
Okay, so, you're definitly added to my favorite author little story is sad, cute, angsty, sweet, supernatural and realistic at the same time. I love it !I'm totally in love with the couple Max-Quentin. I want to read more of them ! So sad it's probably not gonna happen. But well, this end's really cool too so, I'm not gonna you a huge lot for this one-shot ! I love it beyond word. Hm... If I find the time and if I'm not too lazy, would you let me translate it in French ? Pretty please ? Of course I'll stipulate in bold letters that this story isn't mine but , whatever your answer is, please give it to me via my e-mail : louveka hotmail . comThanks again for this one-shot, and I'm hoping for a positive answerps : sorry for all the mistakes I've probably made, but i'm still learning english so...
Sysi chapter 1 . 6/27/2006
The atmosphere of this story is magnificent. All the little things that build it - and still I managed not to foresee the ending. (Even though when Max said that "It's almost behind us" line, the story reminded me of an urban legend about a guy who picked up a hitchhiker, who turned up to be a ghost.)
whycantwedeleteourownaccounts chapter 1 . 6/16/2006
aw! what a cool story! i didnt see that coming!
Esquirella chapter 1 . 1/12/2006
That was so COOL!
Dream Fox chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Wow, I totally LOVE this story! I didn't see the twist coming at all, and while I was totally waiting for something weird and supernatural to happen, I'm so pleased it didn't turn out to be cheezy... well done!
lemmuse chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
Ghosts! I love ghosts! Hahaha yeah this was pretty fugging cute.
ola chapter 1 . 10/13/2005
hehe ) mm.. well i have to say that this took me by surprise, and yeah, despite all the little signs you kept on droping (and that i only see now that i know about it). good one! )
Coris chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
Hey! I found this through ah_gayfiction, on LJ. Such a nice story! I loved the little twist at the least it was a happy ending! And as I was reading the last few paragraphs, the song on my playlist went along perfectly so I got the whole effect! Yeah, I'm a loser. But I loved the story!~Coris/happycherry886
Shade Shavaya chapter 1 . 10/5/2005
Looking back on it, now I can pick out all the little hints leading up to the end and I still had no clue what was going on. Good job! I really like it!

-Shade of Solace
TheTypeWriter chapter 1 . 9/27/2005
that waz crazywicked storylovin itlove forever britt
xanthofile chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
yeah, i had that idea of the ending ever since he kept seeing the same sign...reminded me of this old story i read a long time ago. where this guy was driving his whole family...and turns out he got some kind of road rage and drove head on into a semi, i think it was. killing them all.

and he couldn't go anywhere until he'd realized that he'd died and killed his family. or something along that line.

i liked this emmensely!
PrideLioness chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
damn. i really like this troy. i think you should countinue writing chapters for this story just for the hell of it. Just to see if it goes anywhere. But thats just me. Ill check up in a little while to see if you followed my advice.
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