Reviews for Our Society
Kid Cool chapter 1 . 12/4/2001
This is all too true...there is too much suffering

in the world these only we lived in a better

world,where there are no wars,people aren't homeless,

children aren't starving,and where we don't kill

defenseless animals for meat or fur coats.
Blue-Rose chapter 1 . 11/17/2001
You are completely right, although it is not just human nature an animal

will think exactly the same. The only thing that is wrong is 'there might

be some hope' no its the sad truth but there is always greed and hatred

and always will be.
L chapter 1 . 6/30/2001
Amber, we can't be the dominant species! What about the camels? I know from their bedroom habits that they are infact rather dominant themselves... I'll...uh, shut up now.
Nii chapter 1 . 4/19/2001
so very true! just wish some others would realize this also. thanx for putting it out there for people to see.
Gwaihir-dammit-I-don't-wanna-sign-in chapter 1 . 4/13/2001
Interesting view on humanity, there. I agree with some points, although I disagree with the millionaire thing. There have been many millionaires (like Rockefeller) who have donated money to worthy causes. In fact, a god-sized amount of wealthy people are quite generous. Er. . . and not all little kids wanna show off every new thing they get, although we gotta lot of pride, I'll give ya that. Great rant, though. :) (hehe. . .reminds me of my "human rights" rant that I used as my review to respond to all the other bigots who were entering homophobic reviews in response to a good yaoi story.)
Azrel chapter 1 . 2/6/2001
Hn. You know, you *are* right on several scores. We have such a hypocritical world it's almost scary... thanks for pointing this out for a lot people out there. Makes one think, you know?