Reviews for Heavens Destiny
VisualKeiRocker92761 chapter 17 . 9/9/2014
This was beautiful. I loved that you were able to portray Armand's and Destin's relationship with all the pleasures/pain/happiness/sorrow that life could throw. It wasn't just a story about how happy a couple they were, but illustrated the struggles that they were able to conquer which helped their love grow stronger. This was beyond excellent and I am glad that I was able yo read this.
dr3 chapter 2 . 3/10/2012
I happily discovered your 'Heaven's Destiny' series and am totally in love with Destin & Armand. I see in your bio that you are reworking story & guess this explains missing scenes like wicked Val's attack on Destin that this part of the story eludes to. Well, just wanted to say that I'm a big fan and will enjoy reading all 17 chapters posted here & wait for your rewrites/updates. ~Write-On ;p
JJ chapter 17 . 1/14/2012
Awesome story...but definitely in need of a sequel please? Destin and Armand have grown on me and they are certainly one of my most favorite couple. So how about a sequel that has them working out their problems and living life happily after all they have been through. Yeah I am a sucker for happy endings, what can I say!
Shyann chapter 17 . 8/19/2011
I love this story but please tell me this isn't how it ends. Do Destin and Armand ever how sex again? Does Destin find what he's been looking for, does he ever take back his landscaping company, and what about the Blackbar group? Does he ever get back to his normal self? I would really like to see Destin and Armand's story continue because I have more questions now then when the story started.
purplehost chapter 17 . 8/11/2010
The end is empty and unresolved. I felt that the ending was hollow for whatever reason, as if things shouldn't have ended there. I liked the bulk of the story, other than that. The grammar/spelling left a lot to be desired though.
Sundavar chapter 17 . 8/3/2010
So, again, I've read the whole story and just love it. My only critiques are that the misuses of grammar and typographic errors can begin to impede understanding. I also want to comment of the ending, although it left me somewhat satisfied, I was really hoping for that story book happy ending. Not that I didn't like this ending, it just left me feeling a little hollow, almost like Destin, like i was missing something, i felt like the story was as well.

Anyway, THANK YOU for sharing this beautiful story with everyone. I love what you write and hope you continue to publish your work.
Wren chapter 17 . 5/8/2010
I know not all stories end happily, but this ending mad me sad and disappointed.
stormylady05 chapter 17 . 4/22/2010
I really love reading your stories - but it hurts that Armand and Destin end up with so much hurt left. I know that they end up together and still so much in love. But Destin is still so very injured and so much in pain and Armand does not know how to help heal him. Hopefully you will write another sequel and heal them both. Thank you for your wonderful stories.
K Little Red chapter 17 . 4/22/2010
Hello! Though I've already reviewed this story, I reviewed the story as Little Red. And possibly some other random names since they were all done without an account. :) I finally made an account and I wanted to make a proper review.

Still hating the ending though. xD No, it's not bad, I just wish I could have read more. Thanks for writing such a good story.
Larkin chapter 17 . 3/23/2010
The ending was too abrupt and left things unresolved. Would have liked to see the trip/baby/sex/Destin's search for what he's missing aspect resolved. Love those two and their romance! I really hope you write more stories about them! Maybe I'm odd, but I would like to see a story about Val (his redemption?) & Benny. Love all your stories and can't wait for more! Keep up the great work!
LittleRed chapter 17 . 2/9/2010
GAH! THAT'S THE ENDING? (feels homicidal) OH MY GOD! THOSE STUPID BASTARDS! (insert long stream of insults here) Omfg... Insane-ness. I really can't believe this is the end. I remember when I first began to read "Finding Heaven" and all the drama that went on in that one. Damn... This one was horrible to those two though.

Awesome story, despite the hated ending of it. Oh well. I'll live. Meh. I think I've harassed you enough. Byebyez!
lifelike81 chapter 17 . 2/6/2010
i just finished reading finding heaven and heaven's destiny. both are great stories but like previous posters have mentioned, this one seems to end so abruptly. destin's mental issues for example, or the whole sex issue, the baby issue wasn't resolved either. i know they re-appear in the briar patch, but there really isn't much about them in there. i hope that maybe you will write another sequel or something, i just can't get enough of these two! thank you for writing such wonderful stories!
Hettiezstar chapter 17 . 1/6/2010
:D I just read this whole series!

I absolutely love this!

I ADORE LONG FICS! I don't tend to read them if they're below 20,0ish words anyways~ The long chapters *drool*. Although, I had to use internet explorer because Massive Chappie 60 other tabs ~FREEZE~ (But I can deal with that)

I'm lookin' at your other stuff too, and I'm pleased to see the other characters ;) Very cute idea.

It's been a definite rollercoaster~ and I don't feel like the sequel is finished...? :P *hint* *hint* haha.

The only problem there was was just a few small mistakes e.g a instead of an, or your instead of you're. But they're easily taken out & I see you're re-writing it and stuffs!

But yes, I really love your characters, and MYGOSH poor Destin D: D: What a hell of an experience~ But WAHEY he'll get through it..because... if he doesn't... I'll CRY SO MUCH D

I've really been smiling like a looney and moping and holding the tears throughout the whole thing xD

Definitely going into my favourites, and of course, story alert (& you're going in my favourite authors ;)) (;



PinkyWink chapter 17 . 1/5/2010
I'm enchanted with this story and feel like I really know these two characters. They have opened their hearts up for all to see their evolving deep love and devotion for one another. They are both gorgeous, at least that's how I imagine them. So wonderfully different from each other. You have have also surrounded them with such wonderfull people that love them so much. You have transformed Destin from the light hearted sweet, little prince, to someone slightly cold. It's only because we know the real him, or the person that he can become again that we still love him unconditionally. The mood of this story was darker, but you created a wonderfull plot that makes me as the reader get totally submerged in their lives. The ending was open ended. I mean their lives could go two ways; the could either regain that spectacular connection they shared emotionally and sexually or they break apart after they drift further apart. I'm a fan of your writing and can't wait to read more of your stories.
PinkyWink chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
Your story has enchanted me and I have really fallen in love with Armand and Destin. The way they relly so much on each other for their emotional strength is so endearing. Although they are both very rescilliant having endured so many scaring experience, they make each other a better person. Armand is one hot dude, and the perfect person to introduce Destin to love making. Destin is really too good to be true, really. I wish I knew someone so thoughtful, caring and sensitive. I enjoyed "Finding Heaven," and am enjoying the sequel, because it's as if the story hasn't changed and picked up not long after the first book. Thank you for sharing your story with us and I hope you don't change too much of it.
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