Reviews for Protect Me From What I Want
AranaBanana chapter 15 . 9/29/2010
Hello there!

That was a pretty entertaining story, even if a little sad. And well, as I am a sucker for happy endings, I must say I wasn't totally satisfied by the end. But then, not happy ending isn't always a bad thing, since it leaves the mind wondering. Anyway, thanks for sharing this story, I hope you'll keep up with the good work!
addicted chapter 15 . 6/30/2010
i don't get what happened in the end of this story? liek she jsut left him? thats the end? can you like clarify the ending for me...i LOVED YOUR STORY! but the last chapter got me emails
ithinkyourgay chapter 14 . 10/30/2009

she did not just say that she doesnt love him!

this story is really good, great job.

what does the title of the story mean?

ithinkyourgay :D
ithinkyourgay chapter 6 . 10/28/2009
silence should totally end up with gabriel
the Pearl chapter 15 . 7/29/2009
This is truly an amazing story, really wraps up nicely. The first chapter got me hooked and the lyrics scattered through the story are a very nice add. I'm glad I've got Spotify so I've had the chance to let some of the songs play on the background while I've read. :) Btw you really needn't to have had worried about the 11th chapter 'Slipped away' being tactless at all (quite the contrary, I had to watch out for not bawling my eyes out as to top it of I listened to some rather blue songs while reading...)

I don't know whether you knew from the beginning where you wanted this to go, but it certainly seems like you did, everything just falls into place in the end. It would actually have been quite anticlimatic if Paul would've recovered and really mushy if Silence would've confessed her love to Gabriel. Oh and very few probably can pull naming a character Silence. :) I'll check the sequal for sure. I noticed there's a third story in the making as well but it hasn't been updated in nearly a year..?
3DarkGoddess3 chapter 15 . 5/18/2009
I feel really sorry for Gabriel. It is a good story. The characters were interesting. It kind of seemed like she had no desire to even try and be happy even before her brother died.
Sakiru Yume chapter 15 . 1/18/2009
I loved this story and I'm going to read the sequels. I just have one question: why did he really only start paying attention to her at the beginning of the story? Because that was what it seemed, and what I understood.
slee5133 chapter 15 . 12/4/2008
wtf man! i loved the story so much until the end... why is silence such an idiot? seriously? like is she masochistic or something? god i feel sorry for gabriel. i usually root for the main characters with ease, but i didn't really feel anything for silence, and well, quite frankly, i think she's a heartless bitch right now. but i'll be a good girl and read the sequel and pray hard that they end up together.

i'm sorry if i come off as harsh and a bitch, i just hate endings where the couple doesn't end up together.
Pretzal chapter 5 . 11/8/2008
Love this so very cute!
Reading2much chapter 3 . 7/11/2008
&& I am stopping here.

Chapter 3, and i'm going to exit out of this story and forget all about it.

I just wanted to leave a review, explaining why:

The plot minus the dying brother reminded me of another story, veryvery similar [setting, characters, etc].

This is on first point of view by Silence, but the description of herself is all from third point of view perspective.

Gabriel characteristics is all over the place. He's doing this one thing, and then- he's doing another. It's like you took parts &bits from other male leading character from many, different stories and squeeze them into him. It just doesn't make sense.

While you have two very unpredictable characters with wavering personality, the story line is too predictable. Paul might die, or maybe he doesn't. He might, and "Si" will go into depression, and probably- Gabe will help her through.

Or Paul lives, and all ends well.

Little fights through the way. Who knows? WHo cares? We all know they'll end up together, anyways.

I'm looking for something new, and these two are just too plain & original. Original is good, but this is an epic fails.
theslykit chapter 15 . 4/9/2008
ah! the ending! hope you kept your word about a sequel or i will be sorely disappointed!
Hannah chapter 15 . 3/4/2008
OW! My heart! It hurts! Literally stopped breathing while I was reading those last two chapters...almost blacked out lol ;)But seriously Oh_dear_God! You bet your but there better be a sequel! That was totally heart wrenching! Not that I'm a total supporter of those "and they all lived happily ever after" stories, but...ouch!
Hannah chapter 12 . 3/4/2008
I read Lovely Bones too...I never really believed in heaven. All of those conditions to get into it...and just the general perceptions of it. After reading that book, I hope, I wish, I PRAY that a heaven like the author described does exist. I love the fact that you included such an amazing book in your story! I applaud (sp.) your great taste!
CaptainMadHat chapter 15 . 2/9/2008
congratlations on an amzingly complex but beautiful story.

Aquala7 chapter 15 . 8/23/2007
Wow, I can't beleve that's it. It was a great story, I absolutly loved it. I cried and I laughed and so many other emotions. I rarely have so many diffrent emotions in just on story. I wish I could put into words how great it was. If I could put my favorites in order of how I liked them the most this one would be first hands down.
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