Reviews for Bone So
RoughDraftHero chapter 15 . 12/5/2013
I really like what you have here, I like that all these dudes are so ruffled because Loren won't let them touch him, and the dynamics you've built up with each character. I realize this story is probably defunct, but I was wondering if you're writing somewhere else, or have other things online? (Or if there's even a chance you might be hit with inspiration to start this up again?)
keiichisei chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
It has been so long since I last read this. I know it isn't finished, but the technique is still something from which I can learn. In the first chapter there is such tension, and backstory woven in that doesn't slow down the pace. That is something I am currently struggling with- how to have the bit of backstory woven in so that the reader understands my character's motivations. I'm not trying to tell his life story, just this one thing that happened to him that affected him so much as to motivate his current actions. I remember from a couple of years ago when I read this that the comradery of the Rankhara as something quite attractive to me as a reader. "Epic friendship" I like to say. I have experienced something like this before, though unfortunately it was a group of people from all over the world who happened to study abroad in a small town together. Now we are back home, scattered all over the world. For the first year the heartache was so bad I had to use denial just to deal with it. It has been nearly two years now I still have not opened the folder of photos on my computer. I think I am the type of person that would really feel nurtured to have a group like this in my everyday life. Well, rant over, I will continue reader.
Renate chapter 15 . 1/2/2012
I see this hasen't been updated in quite a while, but if you're still around, I'd like you to know I llove this story, and hope you decide to continue it. I would really like to know what happens.
plumblossom chapter 15 . 10/10/2010
This is the most unique story I've found in a long time. It's really fascinating and I've stayed up too late reading it. I'm really glad I found it.
artmagus chapter 15 . 3/16/2009
I read them all and of course i want more but i have a question *cough* do they all fuck each other ?

i like the fact that Loren doesn't forgive them so easily ,i mean after all he's been through it's pretty understandable.

i can't wait to see what's going to happen
efphrim chapter 15 . 2/2/2008
Third time I've asked: Plz finish the story!
merrymowmow chapter 15 . 2/4/2007
I was wondering when you're going to update.
bambi4real chapter 15 . 1/2/2007
I just rediscovered this story I used to read it and I just wanted to let you know that i love it. Keep up the good work. Loren is too cute.
Anna chapter 10 . 12/30/2006
I've read this story about three times and parts of it have still managed to make me cry. I'm not good at writing reviews (this is only my third one) but I just wanted you to know that I LOVE your story and you've managed to make your characters seem both unique and so real that one might almost expect to meet them in the real world.
keiichisei chapter 15 . 12/6/2006
good, GOOD. Don't go back, Loren. Be your hollow broken self and move forward into your meaningless life and empty existence. Boo hoo. Maybe after you spend enough time away from it all you can find a reason to be happy again. Well apparently not since you spent a whole year away from it all and you were just pudgy and miserable. In the end it's your life, if you liked your freedom so much you should have done something with it and found a way to be happy. If you're going to move on you need to actually move on and create something better than what you had before. Just do it, it's all you have left. That and a restraining order on a very beautiful boy who has pledged to follow you anywhere.

*hugs the author*
Sparkle Itamashii chapter 15 . 12/5/2006
skjg;fjghsr; ;ksjrth sm omg kgn;hjo omgomgomgomg no it's over! I waited so long and now it's over! its like eating a piece of the most delicious, delicious cake on the face of the planet and then you're done and it's gone but it hurts so good inside because it was so rich and wonderful and full of one-eyed pirate typing...

For some reason I'm signed in for once. I don't recall signing in, but okay!

Anyway, oh my god. Awariye... Holy crap, that scene made my heart do flip flops like mad. I'm back to not being able to figure out who to be saddest for. I know it's Loren, but that's only so long as people are getting angry with him or begging him. I'm still mad at Lili, but I am starting to revert to feeling bad for them, too. They've just got to feel so bad, and I can't imagine not being able to apologize to someone whom I had wronged so deeply.

And Loren! My god, coming home to all those presents. He's stronger than he looks. I'd have broken down and just sobbed and piled everything into a pile and done one of two things. Destroyed it all if I was angry enough or sleep on it like a nest if I was sad enough. Or maybe I would sleep on it all and THEN destroy it, just to get a taste of it. Maybe to show I was really mad, I would just not unwrap things and place it all outside my room before I went to bed. But then, I would probably sleep in a cupboard somewhere, because I would know better than to stay someplace where all those people could find me. And it would be amusing to see them fly into a tizzy when they can't find me and then I would appear and be like what I was in the bathroom or something equally inane. Loren! You have such a chance to fuck with everyone before you leave them!

*rolls* I guess I still want them to have a chance at getting back to him. Like... Loren said that he can't trust them to not turn on him again but how can he test that? Does he need to? Man, there should be something else where something happens and he gets blamed and everyone is like IT'S NOT LOREN *saves* and then he knows they aren't lying. But I guess he couldn't know if they believed that or if they were still just guilty, so that's probably a bad idea.

Kei reminded us of the quote "The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference." and that's kind of the problem. Loren does love/hate them, but New!Loren is barreling toward indifference. He seems to want indifference so it doesn't hurt him.

I can't describe how much I'm looking forward to Warning's foal. So, so looking forward to that. But then, I am in love with Colt a little. He did a terrible thing to Warning and to Loren, but I still like him somehow.

*trots off to write until you're back with a new chapter*

Pivoine chapter 15 . 12/5/2006
I'm so happy you've updated! it's been such a long time! I really wish you could finish that story...I love this chapter, and to find again Loren, and his inner struggles, to immerse oneself again in the plot, it was really pleasurable! I hope that Loren will make his supposed brothers suffer or deny them, because well, I simply cannot forgive them! anyways thank you! I just hope you wan't give up on this story!
Keiichi Sei chapter 14 . 5/26/2006
oh my should be the first one to forgive them because he's the only one that can ever forgive them. They could never forgive themselves if they are truly brothers. Oh my god if I did that, I would give my life to them and it still wouldn't ease the pain. Make them do with me as they please, I'd kill myself if they said they wanted it, anything to make an action that shows how sorry I am, because I can never take away the pain. Oh goodness. Of course Loren's personality may not allow it, but from the love that he holds ('takes love to hate', 'hate is not the opposite of love but indifference')for them I would think he would want to forgive his friends. To prove he is a brother, because he would want (but never ask) for one of them to forgive him if he'd beaten them. But he can't go back, like Loren said in the last chapter, if the trust is broken for that then every time something happens the trust will be broken again. Maybe just for peace of heart, a closing of doors, Loren can forgive them and say goodbye. It's not what they did that makes Loren unable to return, but how he changed from what happened to him. Would the Rankhara really want him back now that he is a different person? If Loren doesn't go back then he has to mature enough to make a better life for himself, not drudging through classes like at the academy. He has to come to terms with his heart and find what he wants, then maybe he can find someone that suits him and give his heart to them. Oh jeez this is just so hard, I can clearly see how Loren could not go back and how he would want to move on, what I can't see is somehow the situation changing so that Loren would want to rejoin the Rankhara and that everything could be joyful again. That is truly the challenge for the writer, if you get me to see that and agree to it I will be amazed at you. And I'll make you sushi, but you've got that coming anyways with how much I love this story... hope this review isn't too long. Will you write the next chapter soon, please? I hope this isn't nearing the end of the story because I am not even CLOSE to being emotionally ready to let go of these characters *clings*. Great job!
Shibi chapter 14 . 5/26/2006
I don't think I could spell my own name right now.

I... I... oh... Oh lovely... how could he... I liked Lili, I felt sorry for him when he was pleading with Loren, I thought, there's no way he did anything so bad to Loren that Loren couldn't forgive him. No way. Anything at all, anything he could do to Loren, I couldn't think of any way for him to have done something to Loren, no action he could take against Loren...

And then so passively, Kahlili ruined it so horribly. I thought I could side with both sides. I thought that there must have been a way that they could work it out. I knew he got beat pretty badly by some of the boys (although it saddened me to see Sky hold him while they did it... what an awful way to add salt to gaping wounds). I knew he got the cold shoulder. I knew Warning got harrassed by Colt (poor baby!). I had wondered what else there was, what else they might do to him or keep from him... But for Kahlili to turn around and... to just... Oh lovely, I can't imagine how much that hurt. I can't imagine. There is... my... *chokes on words*

Oh Loren. Oh Loren, you should leave again. And Corra, being so rough with words, Skylie, the one who trained him and loved him, Lili... mercy... what about Calle? Where was he? *ken* Oh, my alley cat, these things you do to me... I can hardly breathe for loving and hating and feeling. I can hardly breathe for wishing Loren could be somewhere safe. If they did it once they have it in their hearts to do it again if the occasion ever arose and how can you TRUST them now? How can you even think you should go back... Oh Loren, walk away as soon as you can and don't look back.

I want them to fix it, i want them to make it better but I can't see it. I can't trust them and they didn't even DO any of that to me... *whinewhimper*

more moremoremore *snuggles* I need to read more soon pleasenowohgodcantwait *falls apart*
Keiichi Sei chapter 13 . 5/22/2006
Oh my goodness you haven't updated this since February I can't believe you. I absolutely have fallen in love with this fic; I'm just so interested in all of the men and their relationships with each other it's just so cool. You have my heart in your hands, common get writing I'll send you cookies. I can make darn fine cookies all send them anywhere *bribes*. Please... *puppy eyes* You wouldn't do this to a fan of yours would you? *hugs* *awaits your update*
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