Reviews for Oh My Dying Friend
Eresse chapter 1 . 11/13/2005
This is beautiful. I really love it, do you have music written for it or is it just lyrics?

My love goes out to your friend. This has reminded me of all the true friends I have, and how much they mean to me.


kit feral chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
This is heartbreaking. I really hope your friend makes it. It's beautifully written- the lines "My heart goes out to yours, it beats unsteady So unsteady" and "Oh, my lullaby, Are you the sound of the dying" really struck a chord- and it actually brought a tear to my eye. Beautiful writing, and my love goes out to you and your friend.
Thurayya chapter 1 . 10/31/2005
This was beautiful. I like how you don't mention the disorder outright, but you portray it amazingly.

If this story is true, my heart goes to your friend. May whatever diety you believe in give her strength.

Good job,

- ala