Reviews for Blood of Passion
P.T chapter 19 . 5/28/2017
Stockholm Syndrome: The Novel
MisterCrown chapter 19 . 12/6/2016
The ending sentence/paragraph was absolutely perfect to end it, especially after all the bloody magic going on. I guess I should've expected such a horrific ending with the title 'Blood of Passion'. Literally two major aspects in it. Despite how well I think that ended, with me feeling dead inside, a bit of explaining would've been nice, like the future for Zeke.

But I like the unexplained ending. Really, this is rather horrific and I love and hate how you've done it.
Greenpanda0u0 chapter 19 . 10/3/2013
Why? Why is there no happy ending! T_T
WithinAMind chapter 19 . 9/10/2013
Do you know what? I hate you with a passion right now. With. A. Passion. How dare you right such an awesome story and give it such a bad ending? *cries* ... All jokes aside, it was marvelous on too many levels and though I don't like bad endings, it finishes the story quite beautifully and I loved the entire thing!
loving boy chapter 19 . 5/3/2012

this is f ing amazing.

one of the saddest stories i have ever read.

althoughh i do not like sad endings this one is really good.

while if u did make an ending or a sequel ( i know u won't) when zeke(like it better ) takes revange that would be AWSOME but non theless really good and keep up the good work(please)
MAN chapter 19 . 11/5/2011
Try and warn for tragedy, Man! Otherwise, brilliant.
TheGhostChild chapter 19 . 8/12/2011
Wow O.O

Kinda speechless. It was very good. Very good c: I liked it despite having everyone die. Kinda seemed like the only way. Still, I very much enjoyed it c:
TheGhostChild chapter 10 . 8/12/2011
O.O whaaa?

.. :c
TheGhostChild chapter 7 . 8/12/2011
O.O holy fuck -covers mouth- sorry.. but whoa. Scary..
TheGhostChild chapter 2 . 8/12/2011
Whoa O.O That was unexpected, yet I love it :D
Angelxoxo13 chapter 19 . 4/20/2011
It's disappointment to read the epilogue. I expect it to be long to explain everything. It's a disappointment to read a short chapter as this. :(
Angelxoxo13 chapter 13 . 4/20/2011
When I read the first chapter till somewhere Ciathan's get being an , it was puzzling, a big mass puzzling that makes me to keep continue revealing the puzzle. Now in this chapter it's heartbreaking. Makes me shed tears. Ciathan's a ! Stuck up one at that!
Dark Lynnette chapter 19 . 8/22/2010
Yikes. That was a bit disturbing. I guess I was right in figuring it would be difficult for anyone to find happiness, especially Zeke.

I suppose that's where the muse led you. Though, I'd sad, but the ending, I'm not incredibly disappointed. Only, slightly due to the happiness factor. It was well written and dramatic. Thanks.
Dark Lynnette chapter 10 . 8/22/2010
WOW. I did not see that coming. I'm rooting for Zeke more than ever, now. I just want him to win and be happy. I don't know how that will happen, or with whom, but it just has to happen. He has terrible luck in love/lust/infatuation.

Excellent job in building up to this point and it really works. There doesn't seem to be any contradiction in character and it most definitely adds to what will be read between the lines in the upcoming chapters.
xoxlizzie chapter 19 . 2/14/2010
This was such a sad story, so, so sad but IO loved it more then anything. It is fantastic and YOU are a fantastic writer. Keep up the excellent work!
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