Reviews for Letters from a toothpick fiend
pleasebequiet chapter 36 . 3/5/2007
but..he didnt openthe soon! wow. sopia is crazy!lol
bellabewitched chapter 36 . 3/4/2007
this is a brilliant story!

I like very much the conversations between 'me' and 'mind'!
Layla the fiend chapter 18 . 3/2/2007
E! *squeals* Topless Lucas... YES! *parties*
BananaPhone chapter 36 . 3/1/2007
hay when are you gonna update? its been a long time since you did, and even though i just read it i think its wonderfull, you are a very talented writter, and i really connected with sophia, i'm a LOT like her *giggle* so i cant wait for you to update :-)
Lady Katreina chapter 36 . 2/25/2007
Lovely, -long sigh-

It could end here and I would still love your awesomeness.

But then you're going to make more! (squeal)

This non-Sophia mood makes it as if Sophia is 'growing-up'. Well, she -is- but out of her funkyness.

"Letters From a Toothpick Fiend" is awesome. I'm incredibly happy I started reading it, and elated that you made it! Thanks again!
Lady Katreina chapter 33 . 2/25/2007

Her innocent randomness is fading with boy troubles, have you noticed this? I've been fretting over it (heh heh now it's 11.01am NO! 11:01. Better.)
Lady Katreina chapter 32 . 2/25/2007
Beautiful. But just like Sophie I have to PULL myself 'way from this story. *sniffle* okay so not -just- like, because she's got it good, and worse... maybe

3.46am doesn't sound like a -bad- time does it? Hmmph. I don't think so, but random muscles are twitching. It must be late...

Thank you SO FREAKING MUCH! (flops on bed and dreams of what's already happened because dreaming of what might happen would be outrageous heresy against my beautious queen, the Matron of the Arts, the Empress of the FictionPress and the Goddess of the Keyboard, Mi'lady the wonderful magnificent Plinky. And that would be a shame.)

Thank you. (heh... it took me 5 minutes to write -that- shesh what is the world coming- Oh! OH! I get it. Okay. I'm tired. NO! That means I really can't read more! What?)

Don't worry Goddess Plinky, as your faithful serf, I will return! Unless you are somehow male in which case Do not fret God Plinky I will come back! If you are neither then Do not Worry my Beloved All (w)Holy Plink(y)! You're work will pen/keyboard will lure me back! I'm positive of it!


You know it's really difficult to take care of an imaginary friend. First you have to make the 'perfect' one, then you have to try to find something to do with it, and above all else you have to remember 1. its name and 2. its name.

Incredibly difficult. If you have an imaginary friend I salute you. You are heads and shoulders and limbs above me. (and even if you don't upkeep a friend in the mind you still are)

Wow. I could have gotten so much reading done in the time it takes for me to type this. Oh no! You've probably gotten quite a few e-mails just from me. ALL OF THEM TAKING UP YOUR PRECIOUS TIME! Hmm... 3.59... is it really a bad thing.

Oh! and doesn't putting time like so 4.00 look more sophisticated then 4:00? Wait... no it doesn't what have I been thinking? Crud! Oh well, I hope mi'lady forgives her intruding servent. I will retreat so my conciousness doens't befoul mi'lady's space. Besides my subconciousness needs to streach her legs, it's been awhile since I've been seen sleepwalking. She needs to be seen and heard more often. (I'm just glad she hasn't desided to eat while she's up! But it'd be kinda cool not haveing to eat during the day. Except for the not eating part. I like the taste of food. And feeling full. Which is kinda surprizing because I'm not large in the least. I'm actually rather short... NO! I'm sorry mi'lady! Wilst thine forgivith her lowest thrall bound servent? I dost not matter to me, only that thine own talent not be unbalanced by the weighty undoing/ness of mine own word!)

Guten tag/morgen my fair maiden/god/neither but still awesome.

I bid you, adieu.
Lady Katreina chapter 31 . 2/25/2007
Eh. Not short, becaws eet ees goot.
Lady Katreina chapter 30 . 2/25/2007

I wish I could be her friend. Anything with her would be awesome.

But still, if I was just like her than anything with -me- would be awesome.

hmm... deserves mulling over.
Lady Katreina chapter 29 . 2/25/2007
I lerve your style.
Lady Katreina chapter 28 . 2/25/2007
Yes, 11 pages -is- incredible.

Thanks. AGAIN!
Lady Katreina chapter 27 . 2/25/2007
It's a good filler too.
Lady Katreina chapter 26 . 2/25/2007
ACK! Madeleine, I like that he's able to talk to someone. But uh, it's not Sophie. And it's an ex.

Lady Katreina chapter 24 . 2/25/2007
Wah! I love it! (sobs to self in corner)

-whispers "it need to be published" "it neds to be published"-

It'd be lovely to have something tangible in my hands (so Pooky and black and white dogg wouldn't have to be strangled of course). I could amuse myself with the cover, and quietly, methodically take it out at school and stroke the cover muttering under my breath. Would anybody ask questions? Stare? Back away? I don't know, I'd have to try it.

Hokay. It's 2.17 now. Heh...

I LOVE IT! (Thank you!)
Lady Katreina chapter 23 . 2/25/2007
(I have a terrible problem with not reviewing a story right away if it's really good)

Sophia is my HERO, my ROLE-MODEL, I LOVE her! Her and Lucas are so good for each other...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE THIS STORY! (I wish I could be like Sophia, they say the grass is -always- greener on the other side, lie! Some times it's orange with purple strips -don't go for the polka dotted ones, they don't enjoy company, and the cows will have a fit, I'm telling you it's not safe)

I also wish my mind talked to me, mainly because I think my mind needs a Russian's brother lover. I think she's lonely, and under appreciated by the masses.

The reason why I reviewed now is because your italicized "ten pages"! caught my attention, and just because my poor subconsciouses can only come out and talk while I'm sleeping doesn't mean you have to be confined such. (Besides it's only 2 am, but whose counting) p.s. Lucas like Sophia a lot, enjoys her company, and she needs to go to his house and meet his family. Because they would bemusedly like her. I can tell. By the way, you are a beautiful author.
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