Reviews for Letters from a toothpick fiend
non.graceful chapter 2 . 5/7/2011
It's different. Maybe that's why I'm still interested in this. I get confused by reading a couple of the paragrPhs in the chapter but whatever! I confuse a lot of people so I'll keep reading this :)
larafrancesca chapter 36 . 4/23/2011
Where is the next chapter! You last up dated in 2006! This isn't fair, I thought it was finished. And you're so close! Pretty please with a cherry and chocolate sprinkles on top will you continue?

I want to know what happens!

And I may get freaked out and think something bad happened to you to make you stop writing. I did that before because an author left in her last A/N that she would have her amazing story completed by the end of the summer (2009) and that it was almost finished and then she fanished! Poof! And I still don't know what happened to her or her stories.

And now it's the same thing! You seem so close to completing it too! Gr

I hope you decide to finish it, I would be much abliged (Oh reading about Sophia for almost an entire day seems to have rubbed off on me)Haha

I hope you are well, take care

Lara x

P.S I really enjoyed reading this, it made me smile and laugh. Plus you managed to have it serious and light hearted all in one. You have talent my friend!
brownie bunny chapter 29 . 4/22/2011
I really liked this story. It's almost like a crack fic.. :-D It's really brilliant, funny and rambly! Just the kind of combination I like in real life too! :-D Such as the time we came up with a dictionary of Sylvia's one..."Sylvester" suicidal cat. :-D
Capture The Moment chapter 23 . 4/11/2011
This story is just so amazing. I found it yesterday and I've been reading nonstop. I am truly in love with it.

Zipporah x
There's-A-Star-In-My-Hand chapter 36 . 2/26/2011
this chapter brought me to tears. i really love your characters and your story. i know it's been so long since you last updated but i have to say this story is really great.

Love you x
There's-A-Star-In-My-Hand chapter 18 . 2/25/2011
i am really loving this x
Zippy chapter 33 . 1/31/2011
I love this story. It's just teapots full of randomfulness. I especially love your line about the emergency rubber duck. I am contemplating having one of these. It sounds like it could be useful. I love you, your writing style and this story. It is tres cool. Love, Zippy x
otakuxfanxgirl chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
silverspigot chapter 36 . 10/5/2010
Hmm, I don't think I have ever read about a seemingly insane character, where the story was fantastic. Thank you for being my first! That sounds off...Anyway, I think at some point, before Luke was introduced, I thought that Daniel was him. You know, like an Alias. I really love it! I am SO favoriting...
Closet Authors Imagination chapter 36 . 10/4/2010
Closet Authors Imagination chapter 13 . 10/4/2010
I Have NEVER Giggled So Much In My 14 Years On This Devinee Earth! I LOVE Sophie! I Can SO Relate To her!
Bubbly Girl chapter 36 . 7/26/2010
Well... you haven't updated for about 4 or so years so I consider this story to be done. And quite honestly, I like this chapter to be the last chapter! :) It ended things on a good enough note that we know that Sophia and Lucas will get together again, but it leaves enough mystery that you really like how it isn't a cheesy ending. Those are my thoughts on this story so take them as you will but know that I really enjoyed reading this! :)

Peace, Love and Happiness! :)

~Bubbly Girl
ForeverInfinity chapter 36 . 5/31/2010
Um, I don't really know what to say other than I loved it. So... I loved it! :)

ForeverInfinity chapter 17 . 5/31/2010
I just started reading this and I love it! Lucas is awesome. I guess I'm kinda like Sophia... But no-one has to know that; they all think I'm all quiet and nice... if only they knew.. ;)

bitter-reflection chapter 36 . 5/8/2010
Love this story and I'm sorry to see it hasn't been updated. Sophia's a crazy character and I got a bit mad at her for wobbling between Daniel and Luke, but I still love her. I wish I had friends like the people in this story )
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