Reviews for Infinite
Parsnip chapter 1 . 12/5/2005
I love how you handle words. You take such simple things and pack a world of meaning into them.

I was going to say this reminded me of the poem, Song of Myself by Walt Whitman, but I just reread it and turns out I had only read stanza excerpts in my english lit class way back in the day.

Still, it's a lovely piece, like always. You're depth of perception and style just amazes me and when your age is considered, I am truly astounded.
wildwolffree17 chapter 1 . 11/22/2005
Very good.
poetic abortion chapter 1 . 11/21/2005
my god. you just blew me away with the utter brillance of this. the writing is just so vivid, eloquent and PERFECRT. what else can I say? you are an amazing writer.

~* noelle