Reviews for Audrey
Jen calculates chapter 1 . 12/24/2005
I. Er. Wow. I love the last two stanzas. And the lines, "I can’t feel my toes,/but maybe I should be wearing socks." In fact, I just love your writing style. Onto the favourites list it goes..
CosmicCornflake chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
I like it, though I think it could be fleshed out a bit more. Appeal more to the readers' senses, delve a bit deeper into the subject's psyche. Multiple personalities are either done well or horribly. This isn't at all horrible, but could be portrayed better.

But, keep the good work up! :)
poetic abortion chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
very, very nice piece. beautifully crafted and reflective, wonderful imagery and stly. formatting is wonderful, unique in this.

~* noelle
wildwolffree17 chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
This is simply stunning. I can't think of a way for you to make it better.
a lonely september chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
constructive criticism it is."I can’t feel my toes,but maybe I should be wearing socks."i can't put my finger on it, but i dont like the "but" there, it ruins the flow you had going. dammit. i can't think of anything else. ack i suck at constructive criticism if the poem is good...i absolutely loved the third part of your poem. it was just so perfect&it had such a real feel so it. this was great. me liked.
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
Sometimes I feel that I know myselfeven less than I know all my friends,

-I love those lines (I can't even tell you how I can relate to those words.) I think that you have a gorgeous style in this; and a majority of your verses are strong and well detailed. There are a few lines that are bland and not needed for the greater whole of the piece. I think another revision would make it perfect. Keep up the good work.

Procrastinating Fairy chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
I was wondering who "Audrey" was on the MSN thing...multiple personalities aren't fun...mine has yet to find itself a name.

Anyways, I actually can find some constructive criticism here: some parts just didn't flow all that well...otherwise, though, it was good. And flow is more like a personal thing...I couldn't find anything else, though. Nice little poem, I especially like the end. *hug* Hope you and Audrey are feeling fine...