Reviews for My Undetected Canoodling
Sabreal chapter 17 . 5/16/2010
WOW, i'm loving this and I hope you continue one day:

And after reading one of your AN'S, I'm glad your finding this story (or were) so easy to work on as the pressure wasn't so big. TBH, I haven't even read (was it Master of the universe? or your universe? lol my bad, just went back and discovered it was "WHEN you own the universe") so I had no pre-conceived ideas this story was going to be amazing-

the reviews gave a little clue but frankly i could've still hated it.

The story's good. I like how it's addressed to this Mr Abernathy person but if things DO get a little R-rated, it'll be kinda awkward noting it down. Roth is a genius of a character. He has flaws (well, had) and he had moments, but he always stays true to his nature. I also find it adorable that as a 19-year-old, he's still a virgin and holding out for his "one true love"

I hope Tameka Janelle (such a typical afro-carribean name) takes full advantage of this. Love the tale, the people, and the history. Update sometime soon! XD
Sabreal chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
lol, it's so blatantly obvious Roth's mystery gal is Jane herself. But I just love all the second-guessing and keeping it secretive (Haha! Your other pen-name:P)

I think I'm starting to adore this story. Early days though, and how the next few chapeters work might depend on it's existence.
Sabreal chapter 11 . 5/16/2010
So you're doing the whole journal thing:

props to you coz i tried that once and it was tricky pretending you were reporting it rather than not.

I'm loving the idea of Roth. He represents all the geeks in the world, and now that he's "hot, he hasn't lost any of his vengeance.

That bit is marvellous. Everything else is original ;)
nightlystar chapter 17 . 3/28/2010
um are ever gonna update this story..cause if ur not den u should just take it down or post that ur not gonna update it..cause its not really fair for the new readers to start reading it and get hooked on it and u not finish..thats just mean!
bree chapter 17 . 3/18/2010
I think I've reread this story about a million times over since when I first read it about a year and a half ago. I would love, love, love to see it finished one day. Hopefully the muse will strike you once again, and this will be completed sometime in the next few years haha.
ghurl00 chapter 17 . 2/13/2010
I loove... I hope you finish this story. It's awesome!) Love, love, love Roth!
TaMaWe chapter 16 . 1/26/2010
please update, please please pretty pretty please
Mikariangel chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
Hey, I just started this story, and not only do I absolutely love it, I'm pretty sure I'm fantasizing what's about to happen next... Which Is kinda weird... But anyway. I was just wondering if u were still on writers block? And if u were ever going to finish this story? Sorry to be a bother
FeatherfooD chapter 17 . 1/10/2010
Sigh, I LOVE this story! I definitely share TJ's obsession with nerds (Spencer on CMperfection), but I can't wait to see how her relationship with Roth turns out :) (I love his name by the way. Very manly sounding lol) _
swellhats chapter 17 . 12/20/2009
i miss this story D:
Sandy Shin chapter 17 . 12/18/2009
I really enjoyed this story the first time(I've been reading this since the beginning, only under a different name), and now I'm liking it more on re-read. I'd be very ecstatic if you would ever finish this! :
Scars.forever.Scarlet chapter 17 . 12/18/2009

I just read this story all over again.

I Kinna miss it.

SkepticAboutLove chapter 17 . 12/1/2009
LOVE your stories-seriously ALL of them. Especially the characters. I hope you get the time to write because I'm waiting-not so patiently.
Michelle chapter 17 . 12/1/2009
Please Please Please MORE! Your fans are waiting!
AudreyKW chapter 17 . 11/30/2009
i really wish you would continue this!
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