Reviews for They Crossed Their Fingers and Hoped to God
Lonely Forest chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
Just plain beautiful. I loved it.
my dangerous angel baby chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
Sweet, yet true. Great job! )
hey maria chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
"because there is no broken boyand there is no broken girl just one big soul of ours that we've mushed together/and some of the cracks got filled and some of them melted at odd angles but it's one big piece even though it looks funny/and that's just how it went and that's just how it is"

That is /so/ beautiful. I love the almost conversational tone of this, the way you can feel and hear it warm in your ears like someone is whispering the story to you. This is amazing; I'm putting it on my favorites.