Reviews for Beating the Game
RoadLessTraveledBy chapter 18 . 2/21/2012
This story is not only one of the best that I have every read on fp ever, but it is also the first that I've seen that's written by a guy. I didn't even know that they had those here on fictionpress :)

I'm so upset that this hasn't been updated in years because truth is, it amazing and I really really want to find out what happens. If you ever have any free time, you should consider updating it

Shine on,

Kiara chapter 2 . 2/11/2012
I'm loving the story this far, I hope it continues as amusing as this ;)
NeonTime chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
I don't understand most of the authors who whine and run off to some hilariously "safe" place. As if some dick stealing from them will be taught a lesson by… being forced to steal from someone else who isn't popular enough to get into fancy Livejournal communities. Publish or perish (where perish understand basic realities of the shit show that is the net).

Ah well. It was a lovely story. Thanks for letting the peons read some of it.
drats chapter 18 . 12/17/2011
oh wow. you should have seen my face! I scrolled down to click into the next chapter... but there was no next chapter to click onto!

ohh the horror!

but i actually really like this story, it seemed a bit repetitive at the start, the same thoughts circling his head, but I see why that was necessary. The thing I liked most however, was probably how you managed to capture Pat analysing every movement and labelling it as something, when the rest of the human world would just see it as an instinctual move - that is if they were even looking for something in the first place. It really gave me a different view on life in general in some aspects. so yeah, good job. :)
hawt chapter 18 . 12/16/2011
Even though you haven't updated I am pleased with this chapter. Your brain is mind blowing, the way you write should be recognized. I love this story.
Evie Siri chapter 18 . 12/6/2011
It's getting exciting...
llama828 chapter 18 . 12/4/2011
Oh my godd!

this story is amazing and im left in suspense! I need to know what happens! Please finish this story as soon as possible please!:D

I love Patrick! keep up the good work!
Lonnee chapter 18 . 11/23/2011
Patrick is an AWESOME character! I loved how you formatted a "nerd" as you will, into a kind of jokish type, but not really. Very nicely done! Continue soon please!
sthrnpixie chapter 18 . 11/21/2011
Brett Novak. Not Brett Edwards.
Sara chapter 18 . 11/15/2011
Ugh, there is a reason I don't usually read stories like yours. You get to the last chapter and you get that awful feeling because the author has not completed his wonderfully amazing story. So please, do update soon so others don't go through that awful experience. :)
kumbly chapter 18 . 11/5/2011
The worst place possible to leave this off.
kumbly chapter 11 . 11/5/2011
What happened to I'm really going to finish this story? Tsk tsk tsk
blythely chapter 18 . 10/30/2011
woo! are you ever gonna finish this? i hope so. the suspense is killing me. finally, a romance from a guy's pov. and not just any guy, but PATRICK MORRISON, super smart and more than slightly paranoid. he has to be one of the most interesting characters on this site.
Emerald123 chapter 18 . 10/7/2011
I found your story through SKOW and I got hooked. But seeing that you haven't updated in 3 years.. do you plan to finish?
Anonymous chapter 18 . 10/4/2011
Damn this was awesome. Such a shame you dropped it though ;_;
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