Reviews for Not My Type
cdr1687 chapter 3 . 1/10/2006
It still needs to be drug out a little more with lots and lots of details. Sorry if I seem critical, I do like the story.
cdr1687 chapter 2 . 1/10/2006
This was very short and a lot of dialogue, maybe add a few tad more detail to this chapter and expand it a little bit.
cdr1687 chapter 1 . 1/10/2006
Okay, I like the idea for the story, but yes there is always a but. I think it needs something, maybe make it longer and don't rush the actions so much. Really go into detail about how he feels and how she feels with their relationship. Explain how they can sleep in each others arms and never have an awkward moment. Does that make sense? By all means keep up the good and oh yeah watch ur grammar also.
vaettir chapter 5 . 1/10/2006
It was so sweet what Spencer did for her. I still can't believe she is being so blind! Oh well, all girls do it... lol. Poor Spencer. Update soon!

Frosty Pickle Juice chapter 5 . 1/10/2006's so sad! POOR SPENCER!
Frosty Pickle Juice chapter 1 . 1/10/2006
oh! me likes!
Under the Stars chapter 5 . 1/10/2006
aw a room full of flowers? wow if someone did that for me... i would love them until the end of time and past
Cool-Ruzz chapter 4 . 1/9/2006
Urgh, Haley is so stubborn, Spencer sounds hot, and he cares bout her so bloody much. But just because he's not the type she had always been set on, she's pushing her away. James doesn't even like her music, bleh. Nice story going so far. Loved every word of it. do review my work if you had the time. Keep writing! Love, Ruzz
A.L. Deles chapter 4 . 1/8/2006
OUCH! major bummer for spencerr! hey dude thanks for reviewing my stuff i appreciate it :P newayss your story.. gr 'not my type' ack i could strangle Haley for that! that's soo superficial..and she better have a good reason for all her nonsense ..haha im so mean. i do have my types too.. but doesnt mean i dont see hot for hot or nice for nice :P .. but i do hate male bestfriends liking me more than a friend...ucckk.. haha okay enough babbling.. keep writing! all the best - anna
Kohnitz chapter 4 . 1/8/2006
i love it so far keep going!xox
Living In Chaos chapter 3 . 1/8/2006
ahhthe suspense is killing me!I hope she doesn't break his heart :)good chapter!
FamousOneLiners chapter 3 . 1/7/2006
oh no she cant break his heart!
A.L. Deles chapter 3 . 1/7/2006
kep writing! i dont have much time to review but it's interesting so far..poor spencer! so keep writing :) possible lenghten the chapters i know you're trying to fit like err a scene into one chapter but if thats the case try lengthening it by having more detail.. still, interesting :)

update soon! tsk tsk..poor spence
CreepSneakPounce chapter 3 . 1/7/2006
I like the story, and things will really change if Spencer tells Hayley. I know how Sprencer's feeling, I'm going through the same thing, weird, isn't it. I always read fics that reflect something from me, past or present.
alter-ego52 chapter 3 . 1/7/2006
Good story - but the chapters are too short! The plot is really awesome though.
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