Reviews for Exercises in Style
chelsea chapter 68 . 8/29/2006
How about emo-poetry style? You know, with bold/underlined/italics and s.p.a.c.i.n.g and angst?
Cael Navani chapter 67 . 8/27/2006
Hah, these are great. It seems like a great exercise for writing...

Have you thought about doing one with parentheticals every five words?
your harbor chapter 67 . 8/26/2006
Hahahahah. I liked this one - very good. ]
your harbor chapter 66 . 8/26/2006
Hahahahahah. That's a good one actually. And if you could review my one work, I would appreciate it. If it's not something you'd review, then you don't have to review but I would really appreciate. As for this piece of work, you are coming up with some REALLY orginal ideas. That's great! ]
moshizzle chapter 19 . 8/19/2006
wow i would love to write something like this, it's so.. different yet cool. could i copy the idead one day? XD
Kjersti chapter 67 . 8/16/2006
Heh. This one was funny. :) And the newspeak was just confusing. I could've never written like that.
Hip Like Badass chapter 55 . 8/9/2006
Dude, I don't know why, but this is the funniest chapter yet (IMO).
lbbabey chapter 65 . 8/9/2006
This is a really cool idea. Taking a few stories and rearranging it. I flipped through some of the stories and it's amazing how you were able to incorporate certain ideas into a particular story. The last one seemed a bit extreme though. There's not all that much that you can express in two words without any background. lol It's funny because if you read the note and the actual body of the text than it sounds like yeah... I think that what you've done is truly amazing, and it seems like a great way to improve one's to ya _
JaveHarron chapter 65 . 8/8/2006
How about Frank Herbert?
Lalaith chapter 58 . 8/7/2006
chain mail/chain e-mail

thanks, these are pretty entertaining
jesus is laughing too chapter 65 . 7/30/2006
I love you. You just rock.
Lyren chapter 12 . 7/27/2006
lol, that was funny, especially the part "“Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?” . it reminds me of the "Lady Marmalade" song. And also the "Oh la la!". It just sounded funny pronouncing it out loud. I understand most of it, since I know a bit of French...and it was a mixture of both English and French so it wasn't that hard...weird...but great!
Kjersti chapter 65 . 7/26/2006
Ah, man. That was so funny. :) Especially the progress between each chapter - of course it wouldn't have been the same without the Author's Notes. :D Great work! Even if you seem at a loss of words. Hahah. Hahahahahah. Hah?Ok, so it (me, that is) wasn't funny. :DGreat work, anyway! :)
Kjersti chapter 58 . 7/26/2006
Oh my god. That was kind of scary. I'm so glad I was counted as a tomboy when I was little. :D
Anguirel chapter 6 . 7/25/2006
I haven't read them all yet, but I'll get around to it. Just jumped around different styles that interested me. I'll put it on favorite stories so I don't lose the link.

Very clever so far. I love it!
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