Reviews for Exercises in Style
Kjersti chapter 50 . 5/9/2006
That *was* depressing. So sad. It didn't fit at all with the sunshine outside my window. Great though.
Kjersti who by the way is Norwegian chapter 49 . 5/9/2006
You blow away my mind. That was more insults than I've ever heard or read in my entire life. And that attempt at Norwegian was pathetic. :D Trust me. But that was the point, wasn't it?
JaveHarron chapter 49 . 5/7/2006
Dude, this one and the redneck one rocked! I do think you showed me that insult one a few years ago, though. How about Conspiracy Theory? Religious tract? Quentin Tarantino movie? Epic Greek poem? Animal rights? Cyberpunk literature? Snuff film? Robert Heinlein story? New Age stuff?
Safety Canary chapter 32 . 5/7/2006
Random Buffy props?
Safety Canary chapter 23 . 5/7/2006
Deceased politician. You slay me.
Safety Canary chapter 13 . 5/7/2006
It's fun to see my name in this chapter because I shoot a broad.
Safety Canary chapter 10 . 5/7/2006
I love you?
Safety Canary chapter 8 . 5/7/2006
This is Agent Slayer, I changed my pen name.

It's been a while, huh? I thought this was a great idea for a story, something I admire about you, as you strive to do something different and interesting to keep us all on our toes. I had to review this particular chapter because it had me laughing hard and embarrassingly loud the whole way through.
xXMidniqhtStarXx chapter 47 . 5/3/2006
Haha. I think that's awesome.

I love this whole series. Very cool (: I can't come up wtih anything you can write about _; I'm not very imaginitive, as you can probably tell xD
Hollow Bastion chapter 16 . 5/3/2006
Haha, you're awesome. The Text Adventure, Satirical, and Franglish ones are my favorite, although I've only read 16 of them thus far. Just imagining that sequence of events with George and Dick tickles the hell out of me. Looking foreward to reading the rest.
Kjersti chapter 47 . 5/3/2006
lol :D
Kjersti chapter 46 . 5/1/2006
If only I knew French... Oh well. :D
CreativeConnections chapter 44 . 4/28/2006
LOL! You've gotta be the most imaginative author I've ever read! I loved the pornolized, intellectualized, shakespearean, and the dick and jane one! you are one funny bunny!
Kjersti chapter 43 . 4/28/2006
Aw. :D
Kjersti chapter 42 . 4/28/2006
Oh my god. Brilliant. Unfortunately I don't know Morse Code, otherwise I'd write this in it. (And I'm too lazy to check the encyclopedia. :D)
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