Reviews for Exercises in Style
Dwindling Fire chapter 1 . 5/22/2012
Thanks for posting :)
Spiked Angel chapter 23 . 2/20/2012
My mad lib...

It was a sublime and moody night. Hortence and their best friend Debra Degiovanni had finished sex in the dance studio after eating a lot of eggs and bacon. They were confused and in no mood for dance.

"Dude, that was a sweet leotard!: Hortence declared.

"Yeah, but it wasn't sweaty enough," Debra Degiovanni laughed, finishing their prophecy.

"Right, you're probably totally scared, you just don't want to clean," Hortence laughed at their friends hunch-back.

"Come on, that might have scared punks, but not us! We're smelly!" they bragged.

"You got that right. Hey, I gotta take the browns to the Super Bowl," Debra Degiovanni said and started to jump.

Suddenly, a clatter could be heard on the wooden floor of the hallway. Hortence and Debra Degiovanni each froze, wondering what the sound could be. Another clatter could barely be made out, this one coming closer the the dance studio.

"Cum sucking twats!" Debra gasped and collapsed into a ball on the floor.

"Don't even fucking think about it!" Hortence said through an urgent telegram.

"Why did you ever tell me this dance studio was flap-mouthed?" Debra replied.

A soft, crunching sound came from the microwave across the room and each of them gasped in despondency.

"Hortence, turn on the flashlight, maybe it's afraid of the light!" Debra urged. Hortence did, and they could see that the source of the noise was only John A. Macdonald.

"Dude, it was only my John!" Hortence laughed.
Spiked Angel chapter 25 . 2/20/2012
Scarily accurate and realistic... Shivers...
Spiked Angel chapter 12 . 2/20/2012
You would not believe how often people speak like this in Quebec.
Spiked Angel chapter 14 . 2/20/2012
Funny, but I must say that I am Canadian. And this is not how we write :P.
graces chapter 14 . 12/24/2011
You are SO GREAT!
graces chapter 12 . 12/24/2011
I DIED reading this one. Laughed so hard! Exactly how a high school student in French 1 would tell a story. Spot on!
isn't chapter 12 . 12/7/2011
This one makes me think of Pepe le Pew cartoons ('le pant, le pew, le gasp'). And I don't know how many more vegetarian vampires Fictionpress can sell land to.

Absolutely hilarious. :)

J'taime ton beret, et je veux ton rouge vin! A votre sante, sacre bleu!
I'm an FF gal really chapter 23 . 10/15/2011
Oh wow...I did your MadLib chapter and couldn't resist showing you the result:

It was a greasy and sweaty night. Eustace and their best friend Mila Kunis had finished bedwetting in his ass after eating a lot of braised duck brains. They were slobbery and in no mood for photosynthesizing.

"Dude, that was sweet hair!" Eustace declared.

"Yeah, but it wasn't opportunistic enough," Mila Kunis laughed, finishing their lemon.

"Right, you're probably totally scared, you just don't want to clumsily bobsled," Eustace laughed at their friend's enlarged prostate.

"Come on, that hair might have scared the Harry Potter Fan Club, but not us! We're wetly!" they bragged.

"You got that right. Hey, I gotta go drain the sea monster," Mila Kunis said and started to play chess.

Suddenly, a 'obligoooooooooooooosnorkle' could be heard on the wooden floor of the hallway. Eustace and Mila Kunis each froze, wondering what the sound could be. ANother 'obligoooooooooooooosnorkle' could barely be made out, this one coming closer to the ass.

"I'd like to cream her ass with my ears, yo!" Mila Kunis gasped and collapsed into a ball on the floor.

"Don't fuck that duck, you'll get skin cancer!" Eustace said through an urgent Braille message.

"Why did you ever tell me this ass was compunctious?" Mila Kunis replied.

A soft, crunching sound came from the tea cosy across the room and each of them gasped in disgust.

"Eustace, turn on the burning guitar, maybe it's afraid of the light!" Mila Kunis urged. Eustace did, and they could see that the source of the noise was only Julia Gillard (-oh shit).

"Dude, it was only my Julia Gillard!" Eustace laughed.

GREAT idea for a story by the way, I really enjoyed reading it so far, especially the Poe chapter. Is that from the Fall of the House of Usher?

Peace out (and you're awesome,)

Penpaperaser chapter 4 . 7/16/2011
This is such a unique idea :)
drats chapter 65 . 4/4/2011
change my mind. this is my absolute favourite. (2 words)
drats chapter 16 . 4/4/2011
oh boy. out of all of them so far, this video game one, is by far my favourite :)
B-Dooliie chapter 4 . 3/21/2011
"If I wanted to kill them, I could. Really. My collar doesn't have a bell. Keep that in mind."

LOL this one is my favorite so far, really well done and great humor.

On to the next ones!
Kaeru Love chapter 29 . 2/1/2011
Woww that was soo great~ Especially the Shakespeare. "Hither we goest!" And the fictionpress satire... XD
Anon chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Have you read Raymond Queneau's Exercises in Style? One must give credit where credit is due :)

Very creative topics!
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