Reviews for Exercises in Style
Haute Couture chapter 1 . 4/14/2007
Obviously, you've read Queneau. I think it's a lovely idea to pay homeage to the original Exercises in Style, though a quick glance of the first page or so of reviews shows that nobody realizes where it came from. Not that I'm surprised.

Anyway, I imagine writing an EiS is a fabulous exercise, so huge commendations, and good luck on your thesis!
SecretDarkness chapter 14 . 4/5/2007
Just to let you know - even though this is great - that 'aboot' is not Canadian. It's Newfie, and they have a language all their own. :)
JaveHarron chapter 79 . 4/5/2007
I see you've been quite creative lately! How about Homeric epic or screen play? Or Aristocrats.
Random Literary Geek chapter 76 . 3/20/2007
Ha, I like this one. :)

You should try and tell the story as a joke. Just a thought. :D
MmmKayy chapter 77 . 3/10/2007
Jave chapter 77 . 3/4/2007
Awesome creative ideas so far. How about Newspeak?
Guest chapter 77 . 3/2/2007
it's the letter e. i liked this one.
Lalaith7 chapter 77 . 3/1/2007
"E" which must've been quite a challenge considering that it's the most common letter in the English language. Although the grammatical error in the 10th paragraph is kind of a nuisance (that gives it away most of all, because why wouldn't you know that me is the correct word there?)
sofisticake chapter 24 . 2/23/2007
because i somewhat have a fond for all things surrealism, i applaud you for this. literally. i love the imagery, the small-but-sweet use of description, and the dialogue (despite how random and slightly meaningful it seems).

&the last line made me smile. really, it did. i like how simple-but-effective it is. :)
burning in effigy chapter 65 . 2/23/2007
wow. thought provoking. haha
burning in effigy chapter 20 . 2/23/2007
wow. couldn't really figure out what you were saying in the beginning. heh :)

burning in effigy chapter 15 . 2/23/2007

dude. i love this.

brilliant job so far :)
xxxstarlightxxx chapter 15 . 2/16/2007
You are a genius.

lunacy and literacy chapter 65 . 2/15/2007
hahaha..that was just funny :)
May Hearty chapter 76 . 2/1/2007
Okay, my suggestions for a style: chav, advertisement, futuristic, Indiana Jones, Stars wars, Lord of the rings, Bridget Jones diary, fairy tale, full of symbolism, harold pinter style (where everything is abstract and makes no sense), trashy romance style, theological, tabliod, Harry Potter, somehow link it to learning the alhabet (e.g. C is for Cat etc), from an animal rights activist view, from the view of a policeman reviewing a crime case, melodrama, victorian/regency time period, lawyer, as a play (mentioning downstage left etc), script (with stage directions etc)...

Ok, so I was bored and tried to think up some ideas which might be at all helpful to you so that you could carry on this really amazing project. So sue me.
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