Reviews for A Different Kind of Feeling |
skippydabeaver chapter 7 . 2/1/2007 Hey, I really like this story. The writing style is interesting, and the charaters are believable. Keep writing! Oh,m and just so you know, the copyright mark is still at the bottom of the page. |
PrettyAwkward chapter 7 . 1/15/2007 This is a really good story. Very interesting how Sal looks like a guy but is a woman. Can't picture it really, if shes fit and stuff would that mean she has no chest? Not sure if it said it at all in the story but Im guessing she as shrot hair like a guy or is it like hair that goes past guys ears? Just some questions I've been wondering. Update soon. |
333OnlyHalfEvil chapter 7 . 1/7/2007 I'm really liking this, can't wait to read more. |
JustKeepGoing chapter 7 . 12/30/2006 I know you haven't updated in like a year and all, but this story is amazing. It's, it's wow. I can't describe how good it is. Please continuel. I beg you, continue please. This story deserves a true ending. |
aleksei moreau chapter 7 . 12/18/2006 This story really made me go on my knees. I like the plot and the twists (like on Chapter 7). Heck, I liked all of it! I hope you'll update soon! |
LEDlorien7 chapter 7 . 12/5/2006 oy. no matter how much you love someone, don't come out until you, yourself, and no one else are ready to. No matter how long that takes. Don't lie about anything, just don't say anything about dating and such. oh well. But yay for standing up to parents! yay for being honest, yay for being yourself, and yay for letting the world know! *grins* I hope you continue this story, it's awesome! |
LEDlorien7 chapter 6 . 12/5/2006 I love the way you start talking to the reader in this chapter. You did it in the first chapter, and maybe in the second, then you stopped. I think you should add more of that, it's really clever and fun. What was it about the new look that bothered the parents? Oh boy, I was hoping Steve was out of the picture. Now I have a bad feeling that he'll be coming back. how annoying. |
LEDlorien7 chapter 5 . 12/5/2006 aw man, way too cute. I know that happy feeling, it's so great. I remember the day after someone asked me to a dance, i was glowing like burning magnesium, and that stuff is so bright you're not supposed to look at it. Yeah, knowing who you are is so important. I just found out last year. it makes you want to change yourself so you can reflect the you you have become. Or I should say the you you've alwaays been, but haven't always known. Anyways, I really like this story. it's so good. |
LEDlorien7 chapter 4 . 12/4/2006 Denise is like the mama! At school, there are seniors like that, who watch out for, and take care of younger people. It's such a sweet thing to do. I had a bunch of seniors take care of me at my first gay dance. It was so nice! Anyway, great chapter, I'm glad Denise and Sal are friends. it seems things will work out nicely! |
LEDlorien7 chapter 3 . 12/4/2006 aw, Sal and Al, that is so freakin cute!1 Sal seems really nice and kind hearted too. I love her character! she's awesome! That drinking game sounds fun, hahaha. |
LEDlorien7 chapter 2 . 12/4/2006 Damn, Sal is HOT! teehee, the quiet, follower don't-show-your-true-feelings, types are so cute though! and they complement us crazy, outgoing, yeah-i'm-gay-so-what? types *grins* I love the chemistry here. This is an awesome stroy. I love how it's so realistic, i think it's ture. Is it? I want it to be! |
LEDlorien7 chapter 1 . 12/4/2006 Oh man, did that really happen? That's such a romantic, cute beginning! Was high school really like that for you? Funny, I'm really loving high school... I really like the way you're telling me the story, like we're talking face to face. It makes it really personal. |
failte200 chapter 7 . 11/21/2006 Y'know how it sucks when people say "Great Story! Update Soon!"? Great Story! Update Soon! :) Ah poor Alex. *sigh* Still, she's gotta run into SOME problems, eh? All sunshine and roses doesn't make a story. Funny how long it's taking Alex & Sal to... do anything. My yaoi couple didn't make it a whole hour after their first meeting. :) Ain't gender differentation great! |
failte200 chapter 5 . 11/21/2006 I just gotta stop here and say that that whole scene where Sal calls Alex "girlfriend" for the first time, was just the best ever! :) |
Incompetence chapter 7 . 11/14/2006 Oh my, oh my. This story has been simply breath-taking. Gorgeously written; fanfastic, beautiful, wonderful, amazing. Well done, I say. While reading this, I have to admit, I was kind of nervous and slightly aprehensive. You see, this is the first time that I've read a female slash story in my whole fourteen years of existence. But I thank you very much! Not only did I greatly enjoy reading up to this chapter, but I'm not afraid to admit I'm bisexual. I got over my fear of letting other people know about the real me through your words. You're an amazing writer. Keep up the wonderful work. |