Reviews for my nosering
Reaper chapter 1 . 9/25/2006
You got anose ring a twelve and everyone was impressed? God, you must go to a ver deprived school. At twelve, I was doing spirits with half my school.
Pumpkin4565 chapter 1 . 6/13/2006
This is crap, my friend. You suck like hell. Wow, wonderful story! Terrible. I love your storyNOT.
Arwen Starfire chapter 1 . 5/25/2006
didn't you do a second draft of this story? I think you need to put that up. It had alot more details and stuff.
Made in Britain chapter 1 . 3/17/2006
Hey Lizzy great story, you are so much braver than me! And don't listen to that talking dildo ii, he makes everyones stories out to be bad. Well the jokes on him because his are well shit!
ii chapter 1 . 1/26/2006
Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad to hear how you got your nose pierced. While it's a fascinating story, you still had a few grammar mistakes in it. Please be sure that only one person speaks per paragraph. Also, it leaves me with the impression that you are a very shallow, manipulative girl. Perhaps you , thank you for the beautiful, long, well thought out reviews. I'm so glad you liked my stories. ;-)