Reviews for One Dance
sunny-california chapter 3 . 4/29/2012
you should totally update. I luv ur story and evyn is sooo cute!
Zia chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
Ah-ya. So cute. More please. Evyn sounds awfully adorable and Adrian sounds awesome. More, more, more, more. Wish you update soon.
honey splattered brains chapter 3 . 11/5/2009
that is so cuute! more updates please :D
EchoedShadows chapter 3 . 6/11/2009
Aboslutely LOVE the story so far. I really really REALLY can't wait 'til there's more!
MAGICAL.NARRATOR chapter 3 . 12/31/2008
update update update!

Sexy Adrian awaits!
Wittyilynamed chapter 3 . 11/11/2008
You, my dear, must write the next chapter! I am eagerly awaiting it! I really like this story so far, keep up the good work!
Subbie chapter 3 . 10/15/2008
WoW its been over a year? Holy crap! But this is a GREAT story, and I really love it and can you update? Si vous plait? (with a bad french accent?)

I promise I'll review on the next chapter...

NotEnough chapter 3 . 10/4/2008
Well, it's been 2 and a half years since I started to read this story...and there's been one update! I think you should update more, and soon, before i become old(er) and unable to read without reading glasses! :D

I want to see Adrian please?
DeadlyPinkPuchu chapter 1 . 2/22/2008
I really love it! I do think Adrian could use some additional depth to his character, since he's basically the usual self-obsessed musician, though I guess that's why stories continue, for character development... Anyways... I love updates!
ngt chapter 3 . 11/28/2007
I love Adrian!

He is most definatly my favorite character!

I can't wait to read more.
Paputsza chapter 3 . 11/23/2007
yes, it has been a year. Such a nice story, please don't take so long for the next update. -.- i'm not even this bad... lol, yes i am :D
Saral Hylor chapter 3 . 11/20/2007
I think that I may have read the first two chapters of this story when I first read it, and quiet frankly I was beginning to think that that was all there was ever going to be. Although I’m very glad that there is now a third chapter, which was very fun to read.

Only one thing that really irked me in this chapter, and please slap me if I’m just being picky, but the “Antarctic” theme. If it’s Antarctic, the penguins are fine, because they live in (or around, depending on the breed) Antarctica. But Eskimos and Polar Bears only live in the Arctic. Where, might I add, there are no penguins.

So perhaps the theme should have been “things from large icy places”?

Sorry, I am a bit picky about that, only because I’m fascinated with Antarctica and penguins. 8D

Apart from that, it was a really good chapter, and I hope to see more chapters up soon.

Back of Beyond chapter 3 . 11/20/2007
Good chapter. :] So, will it be another year before we can expect to see the next one? :P chapter 3 . 11/19/2007
OH MY GOSH! YOU UPDATED! *looks slightly too excited*

now you just have to update your other story *checks its you* YOU TOOK IT DOWN? *looks furious* YOU TOOK IT DOWN? *takes a deep breath* PUT IT UP AGAIN FOOL!

Adrian is so damn kewl. i want to BE him.

they will print today, i saw an article today about a woman who had gotten married, gotten pregnant, had the kid, gotten divorced, gotten a sex change, gotten married again and gotten a woman pregnant. i was too amused.

Laura sounds kewl.

“Time for break! Put down dishes and go with the angry girl!”

*giggles madly*

crying girls make me uncomfortable,

scrap that, tears in general make me uncomfortable.

I LOVE CORA! I AM CORA! Penguins, Eskimos and a Polar Bear? Does it GET any better?

UPDATE SOON! PLEASE! *hands and knees beggin*


It's Just That chapter 3 . 11/19/2007
I'm tempted to shout out and tell you, that in spite of the year the has inexplicably flown by since you've updated, that it's still a very good story. It's rather cliche, and I was thinking about all the damn good luck that Evyn seems to have. Rich, cute, fortunate-yeah, he's the epitome of a romance flick. Though I still like it a lot. Very very much! D

Evyn is such a character. An all-around goody-two-shoes. At first, it made me want to barf, but now it just makes me wince. The interaction between the girls in this chapter showed how much of a (in)sensitive man he was. Huh, I wonder if all guys are like that, lol.

Cora is a favorite of mine. She reminds me of a cousin I have. Even if they don't exactly act the same, they certainly come a near close!

And let's not forget about our resident popstar, Adrian. He's one helluva'n egoist, huh? If I were him, I'd just burn all the articles about myself. But then again, that's just me.

I hope that Evyn does find someone (hopehopehope that it's Adrian, though I won't get my hopes up). The cute guy, Bart will hopefully become friends with Evs. Oh, the drama that will ensue, when Adrian throws a bitch fit and starts throwing punches and thinking with his brain down south! Hah!

Update whenever possible! :D Preferably not in one year increments, pretty please?
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