Reviews for Trusting Shadows
Broseph115 chapter 22 . 11/6/2006 he was alive the whole time...I kept debating in my mind...with your little A/N you did convince me that he was really dead...but there was always that little voice in me that said " no no! he can't be dead!" hehe
Broseph115 chapter 21 . 10/30/2006
Ya know...half way through this I got a little ember of hope that Mional was still alive and all of this was jus a that hopes taking a while to die out I guess... I like this chapter...its like a new turn in the plotline now. You're keeping the story going and its still really interesting!
Broseph115 chapter 20 . 10/11/2006
Mional? ...I'm still hoping that theres some weird way he it deny but I can't believe he's dead yet...I'm sure a few chapters down without Mional I'll finally realize that he isn't coming back but I hope he's not dead! hehe

By the way... I am totally confused by your last A/N lol. I have no clue who or what Naruto is other than an anime show :P

Okay, thats all I've got for this one.~Jose
Broseph115 chapter 19 . 10/4/2006
Shadow, I believe that you are trying to trick me. I don't think that Mional is dead. No, no I don't think that he is in danger at all. A little trip back to chapter 1 shows that a character named "Radii" whose father was a "pirate warlord" returns to the desert in the future of the current setting. You say that you miss Mional...but I don't think that Mional has gone anywhere! ;)

The only awkward thing I found was this bit of dialogue "Go home before we decide we don't want you here any more," would seem that if the pirates are telling them to go home...they have already decided that they don't want Vael there, hehe.

I liked the little reference to Oen here...that's ...wait im going to check my old reviews...okay..before I said that Rodol was the little Oen is Rodol's dad right? but Sardo's ...anyway I like how your revealing the back story a little bit at a time, its one of the things I have liked most about this story.
Broseph115 chapter 18 . 9/25/2006
Rodol's friends were caught! That's the bad...although I guess kind of inevitable at this point, especially since the pirates have now landed hehe. Anyway, 'nother good chapter from a good author...if you keep writin ill keep readin, hehe.
Broseph115 chapter 17 . 9/24/2006
Now I'm totally caught up! Hey, I'm enjoying it. So you're working on a new story...we now know both Mional's and Rodol's story...Rodol is a full pirate...Sardo is up to I smell a dramatic conclusion pretty soon? hehe.

Hey don't get too discouraged in terms of reviews I got pretty much nothing but one or two chapter reviews on MoH and then no one ever even finished it lol.

I've learned that ya gotta write stories jus cuz ya like to write stories...otherwise you're liable to drive yourself nuts.

But for what its worth I'm still here and I'm enjoyin it so you better not stop! :)
Broseph115 chapter 16 . 9/24/2006
...close the gap!(I'm a dork, I know)

whoah whoah whoah Rodol is the little kid from the beginning and I was right in my first thought...Mional was the Soumont Lord...crazy crazy crazy...I wasn't even going to review until the next chapter but this was a really good one, haha.
Broseph115 chapter 15 . 9/24/2006
You're back! I didn't even notice that you were back, hehe. But I came back to FP checked the review history ...and sure enough there was teh green.

However, I notice that since you've added chapters, the gap is growing.

...theres only one thing to do at a time like this...
Broseph115 chapter 14 . 8/30/2006
Just a few grammar issues:

In the (second?) paragraph, "A predetermined man" just doesn't sound right, I don't think that "predertimed" flows with teh scene that you're trying to set up.

Also, it should be: the only sounds, were the breathing and creaking, not the only sound was the breathing and creaking.

I really like where the story is going. So Vael is on the Vanguard working for the Pirates. Mional's kid said he found a pirate on the Vanguard. The two thieves are looking for Rodol on the Vanguard. I am starting to get afraid that chapter 15 is going to leave me on some crazy cliffhanger waiting for you to come back and update, hehe.

But until then, I'll just enjoy the next installment.

Broseph115 chapter 13 . 8/30/2006
Okay, First of know what a coxswain is! A hundred Jose points for that! onto the review. I was a little confused when you fell into that old habit again of having one person say something but the other react in the next sentence...for example:"I want to be a pirate. What did you want me to do?" Mional smiled softly. ...the way that was set up, I thought that Mional was the one who said that line.

However, anyway, another good chapter. In fact, I do Yaven and Revul, hehe. They are looking for Rodol who was arrested but then rescued by the pirats, right?

Unfortunately, My reviews will be getting once again, less frequent because of that pesky thing called "college." However, I'm hoping to get caught up again before you start writing the next set of chapters, so we'll see.~Jose
Broseph115 chapter 12 . 8/22/2006
Shadow! I'm back! lol...I decided to stop reading until summer was over cuz you wouldnt be posting anyway, but I figured I'd might as well be caught up when you get back. Plus, im not as confused as I thought I would be, reading it again for the first time in two
Broseph115 chapter 11 . 5/14/2006
I decided to review more than one chapter at a time because you arent really gonna update till summer anyway and I wont clutter up your emails with multiple chapter reviews hehe...

that said...the fight scene...i liked it because it was kinda chaotic going back and forth between Narul, Spahi and Oen and Sardo and Mional. However, i feel like it was a little too short, it is a big fight for a very important ship and it seems like Oen is just like...okay okay okay! take the ship! ..right could make the scene a little longer by just adding fluff in the fight doesnt even have to be important information...maybe extend some of the fights or just add in some random peon characters who are fighting...who knowsbut it seems like the fight will come off as a little more important if you lengthen it out a bit.

As for the dream far as a transition kinda just seemed to me like one big dream ...didnt notice much of a transition, but on the other hand, it still worked, i liked it. Dream sequences can get kinda cliche sometimes but it was still entertaining.

At the end of this chapter you have an authors note talking about how this story should be read all in one sitting. I totally understand what ya mean, hehe, I find myself having to go back and look at past chapters for information, but its hard when you leave for like 2 days,maybe review other stories and come back...all that aside though, I like your storytelling, the slight bit of mystery and leaving the reader in just enough darkness is, in my opinion, a very entertaining way to tell a story.

When I first read this story about pirates, i wasn't totally sure if I'd be into it, but I'm still stickin with it at chapter 11 cuz im absolutely enjoying it. Its a great story and I cant wait till ya come back and keep it going!~Jose
Brooke ORiley chapter 15 . 5/3/2006
No, dear, I remember Mional's name. I meant the little one that went spying for him and disguised himself as a page boy. Unless I'm totally missing something, he was a different one. Name sounded something like Zac, but it wasn't that. And I don't feel like looking back to see what it was. Eh.

Kill you? Nah. Maiming is fun, but not strictly necessary. We've all randomly disappeared from time to time, and probably with cliffhangers such as this. Besides, I'm too apathetic to kill you right now. I just took a break from studying to read, so while this is interesting, I'm not going to go into a rage because I don't know what comes next. Unless of course you want me to, in which case I could probably make the effort. Hm.

Ums...I do wonder why they're so eager for Sardo to understand everything. I mean, I'm not fond of him, but I don't know that I'd feel the need to justify myself to him. A pox on him, and all that. But whatever. I'm not a pirate, I guess. Yar.

And now I'm going away, because I have ceased making sense. Have a great summer!
Broseph115 chapter 8 . 5/2/2006 ...really tired right I dont know how much use I am going to be. But I am conscious enough to realize the sudden twist in the story...and I love it hehe. So Mional's been a spy all along (and i was totally wrong about him bein Othen's kid before lol) ...i like it things are quickly starting to make sense getting a grasp for where I'm at, instead of walking around in teh dark, now, hehe.

Didn't see to many problems so congrats there (then again, like i said, I'm barely awake, i didnt sleep last maybe I'm just totally useless right now, haha)~Jose
Brooke ORiley chapter 14 . 5/2/2006
Ha, I have study days before finals. Which are mostly being used to watch movies, but I can squeeze in a chapter or two betweentimes. Heh.

Anyway, just one grammar point...Rodol said that the navigator was loathe to give up the maps...that's fun, and I approve of the word usage, but when you want an adjective, it's typically "loath", with "loathe" being the verb form. Just so you know.

Aside from that, things are continuing to shape up nicely. The Dance was fun...the winner is the one who fought the most beautifully. That's awesome. I like Narul, too. Wasn't sure what to think of him when he came strutting in wanting to take over, but I approve now. And the Shadow boy was cute. Though I've forgotten his name. Eh...

Anyhow, I'm off for now. Well done keeping things interesting!
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