Reviews for From Where We Stand
Guest chapter 4 . 6/12/2014
Story has potential but it's a very tedious read. There's just a whole lot of nothing happening. Relationships are complex yet aren't developed. It's like watching a begginer swimmer attempt to swim, they splash a lot yet never really go any where. The relevance of some characters is questionable. For instance, Anthony is supposedly hot but really, why is he in the story? Sam is your typical female in every gay story. Doesn't need to be there but hey, not too terrible an addition. The dialogue is confusing and do are the two Zekes. What makes it worse is the character and perspective changes. Makes the story even more disjointed. It's hard to connect when you're not sure who is speaking. The story just has too much fluff in terms of words, I find myself thinking "get to the point." Nonetheless, definitely better written than most . Some descriptions are wonderful and the emotions are great when done right. Unfortunately, what clouds that is the forced angst.
Astir-Lewis chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
Hey, I love your story, please randomly decide to finish it lol. I got hooked on it, but it's not finished :(
Astir-Lewis chapter 40 . 6/16/2013
Omfg! You can't do this to me. I read this story on a whim and got hooked. It was confusing at first but then I understood and everything was so beautiful. So please before I die of anticipation (and slight heartbreak), please after like 5 years finish this story. BtheW that is my account name, I just didn't feel like logging in.
runswithvamp chapter 40 . 6/4/2013
Please update!
RueRue1396 chapter 40 . 9/29/2012
Don't know if after four years you will update but miracles do happen nway i loved this story so much
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
Awesome. I was so there, the imagery made me want to go buy a jeep. Looking forward to reading the rest :) Thanks for posting!
Handsome Devil chapter 40 . 6/19/2010

I mean, why is this story so interesting... but since you're the one writing, I'm sure you're just as interesting. You're awesome for this. I am literally on the edge of my seat... well actually not really, I'm at the back of my seat, I'm trying to fix my bad posture these days by leaning against the seat rest instead of looking like I'm about to fall out the chair by sitting on the edge, but if I wasn't, I assure you right now, I'd be on the edge of my seat.

Now that, that run-on sentence is finished, OMGAH THIS IS SO FRIGGIN CRAZY! And at the end of every chapter, there's always some crazy, nutty thing to figure out. It's just so great. I mean, I'm starting to think that Zeke Wrigley's life is a lot more interesting than Zeke Liam's.

And I'm pretty sure what he did to Anthony was kiss him... I'm pretty sure. Or maybe he admitted to liking Zeke to him.

Who bloody knows? I just wish you'd update! :)

Pretty please update soon. Come back to life & update soon, I think we might have to start a petition soon if you don't. Haha... really though. T_T pllease.

Handsome Devil chapter 38 . 6/19/2010
Aah, man, this story gets more interesting with each chapter. It's amazing how dramatic, yet normal it is at the same time. It's all believable and so friggin' crazy! Everyone's lives are so tangled and I just love how everyone relates to one another. It seems planned but random at the same time, the things that happen..

Anyway, the computer just turned off randomly and I had to refind which chapter I was on, so I figured I should review so I could find my spot later. Doing you & I a favour. :)
Handsome Devil chapter 16 . 6/18/2010
Yes, keep it long!

Even longer than this is if possible, I do hate short things. It's always too abrupt.

Haha, although I do think this advice is a tad late... :P
Lunatrix chapter 40 . 11/11/2009
Are...are you going to finish this?

Because it is seriously happy :)

...happy is just my word for everything I like, zeke is actually kind of depressing...But I loves it. ]
i-wish-i-had-wings chapter 11 . 10/2/2009
if i had been a little stronger emotionally i would have loved to read this whole story. but since i'm not and i'm starting to feel depressed, i'll stop here on chapter 11.

i love the way you've written this, it's deep and real. too real for me P
kazoua chapter 14 . 8/28/2009
Psh. It's probably his father or something like that. Ew.
kazoua chapter 10 . 8/28/2009
Zeke has such... depressing thoughts.
kazoua chapter 5 . 8/28/2009
I'm sorry. I just have to mention I'm one of those fools who have an intense amount of home town pride.


Hell yeah!

Nanaga chapter 40 . 6/23/2009
please continue?
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