Reviews for From Where We Stand
Fantome D'Ombre chapter 34 . 12/16/2007
Great chapter. ] Hopefully Zeke will remember wtf happened the night before, all the way. XDD Imma guess that Chris accidentally slept with some one he shouldn't have, because that's what it sounds like. [chuckles] I love all the different pieces of history that were included in the story. [I'm too lazy to go back and review all the other chapters I read...sorry] They were really interesting and they definately went perfectly with whatever was going on at the moment.

Zeke Liam high was the funniest thing ever. I laughed hysterically through the entire time he was stoned. It's a shame he didn't find out what was eating at Lawrence. [ He should get high again though. D

Anyway, back to this chapter. Poor Anthony. Hopefully he won't be upsetted too badly. He seems like a very reasonable person though. D

Fantome D'Ombre chapter 1 . 12/15/2007
Great chapter. I found your story today...can't remember where, on some one's favorite list probably. but anyway, yeah. I love how the characters are, I can actually imagine them being real people. With the whole two Zekes, it must be awfully confusing. It's completely beyond me why some people that are friend would want to have their children all have the same names, I mean, what if they met up in later years like so? What if they stayed as good friends as before and their kids met each other early in life. So confusing that would be. XDD

The flashbacks and how he was reminded of the guy in every way was quite interesting. I odn't know of any teacher that would actually make sure a kid could skip a class, but I suppose if a student they're teaching was in the kinda situation Zeke is, they would allow it. ]

I like how there's serious parts, sad parts and humorus parts. It's not like a lot of those stories you get out there where the characters have one side to them and everything wasn't exactly thought out all that well. Good work with making your characters the way they are. [if that makes any sense haha]

Great opening chapter, I'm going to read the rest of it now. ] Hopefully the story will be as interesting as this first chapter was. ]

invizygirl chapter 34 . 12/2/2007
oo what happened? i am so confused. hm anthony..
Back of Beyond chapter 34 . 12/2/2007
Love this story, it's awesome. :]

Just to make sure, there is a time gap between chapter 5 and 6, yes? I got a bit confused by the whole 'last night' part, cos I thought they were talking about the night the two Zekes talked on the phone.
invizygirl chapter 33 . 11/29/2007
odd... but good. update soon.
amnesiac-vampire chapter 33 . 11/29/2007
woah is the only word i can think of at the moment. or wow, though they're both kinda the same.

great chapter pyro, can't wait till your next update!
vimaro22 chapter 33 . 11/27/2007
Stimulating. I can't wait for more! Please update soon.
Amindaya chapter 31 . 11/21/2007
Heehee. Tacos. I hate tacos.
blue-dan chapter 32 . 11/3/2007
SERIOUSLY? Someone will DIE? wow

LOL anyway, ouch on Samantha but yay on the midnight visit (not too cheesy by the way, but just perfect :D hehehe)

can't wait for the next update!
blue-dan chapter 31 . 11/3/2007
"There was a massive invisible boulder crushing my lungs. In a good way."

Gotta love the pot-head inner monologue :D Amazing chapter, as usual, great laugh!
invizygirl chapter 32 . 10/27/2007
the zeke's confuse the crap outta me. the charlie is getting better tho. i like lawrence. and lucky. and all the stoners. they make me smile. good update.
Orangeena chapter 32 . 10/25/2007
Ah, chock full of slashy drama! How can one not love it! The first few chapters were reeally long, what happened? It didn't really affect me, because I read it all at once, but it seems like the chapters are super super short. Ah well, it's good reading! Keep it coming!
vimaro22 chapter 32 . 10/22/2007
Aww, Charlie's so cute. I like him.

Please update soon!
xmsxkiwix chapter 1 . 10/5/2007
Homgh. I absolutely love this story.

I cannot wait to

I really like the way you write.

It's cool. lol

Peace out!

invizygirl chapter 31 . 9/29/2007
aww poor zeke. i feel bad. he's too high to really help the situation. interesting twist. update soon.
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